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Questions tagged [obstetrics]

Questions related to pregnancy, childbirth, and the post-partum period.

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Studies showing the risks and harms of young pregnancy

I am from Nigeria and there has been a problem with child marriage in some places and people are fighting back against it hard and all. However someone there said they believe its fine for very young ...
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Is the treatment of any type of ectopic pregnancy still called an embryectomy?

The generic term for the treatment of an ectopic pregnancy seems to be "embryectomy": ἐκ (ek, “out”) + τέμνω (témnō, “to cut”) Stedman, Practical Medical Dictionary (1916), p. 302 calls ...
Geremia's user avatar
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Why is the period of gestation defined to be measured from 2 weeks before conception?

So the normal gestational period is defined to be "from the first day of the woman's last menstrual cycle to the current date.". Why is that? Wouldn't the more natural definition be "...
robert bristow-johnson's user avatar
4 votes
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Did 79% of pregnancies in an early COVID-19 vaccine study result in loss?

I just came across a paper published last year concerning the safety of covid 19 vaccines in pregnant women. I read the following sentence in the abstract: Among 3958 participants enrolled in the v-...
Bishop D's user avatar
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How do abortions affect fertility?

According to the Louisiana Department of Health: Complications associated with an abortion or having many abortions may make it difficult to have children. But it doesn't say exactly how risky it is....
Soft wind's user avatar
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Figo staging of ovarian cancer

What stage would it be if the PELVIC lymph nodes are involved in case of ovarian cancer? Will it be stage 2 as it is pelvic organ or will it be stage 3 as it will be retroperitoneal?
user133880's user avatar
-2 votes
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How can men become pregnant? [closed]

Apparently men can get pregnant now? I'm a man; how can I have a baby? I don't have a uterus; doesn't that mean I can't be pregnant?
user25742's user avatar
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Maximum time after fertilization, after which pregnancy test no longer works

I am wondering if there is a maximum time after fertilization, after which a pregnancy test no longer works. On the internet, I can find lots of questions and answers around how early after ...
Pregnancy Test's user avatar
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Studies on long-term health impacts of IUDs on children conceived after IUD removal

Have any studies been done on the health outcomes of children conceived after removal of their mothers' IUDs vs. children whose mothers never had IUDs? This study is close to what I'm looking for: ...
Rasputin's user avatar
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What is the absolute risk of blood clots in pregant women? [closed]

What is the absolute risk of blood clots around pregnancy, and by what factor the base risk is increased by the main risk factors?
crobar's user avatar
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Does covid significantly increase the chances of losing a baby? [closed]

As two late 20s early 30s healthy adults, both vaccinated with two dosages of Moderna more than 6 months ago, we suspect a pregnancy (wanted!). We've heard that being ill with Covid-19 increases the ...
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What data supports the safety of COVID-19 mRNA vaccines for women of childbearing age?

I am looking for the actual data (ie, numbers) supporting the widespread consensus regarding the safety of the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines with regards to fertility, pregnancy, and childbirth, as stated ...
Arnon Weinberg's user avatar
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Is natural labor beneficial to a vaginal delivery?

Vaginal delivery of human babies includes two often harrowing stages: "Stage 1" consists of "labor" to dilate the cervix, while "Stage 2" encompasses "pushing" ...
Lysander's user avatar
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What happens when a Rh+ mother pregnant with Rh- baby?

I know that when a Rh- mother pregnant with Rh+ baby there might be a complication during the pregnancy, if the mother is sensitized to Rh+. However, I have not found out any resource that states what ...
Vylix's user avatar
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Is the ultimate cause of failure to conceive generally early miscarriage?

Mechanical issues aside, the process of human reproduction involves a very large number of sperm meeting an egg. It would seem then that given conception can either fail before, during, or after the ...
TheEnvironmentalist's user avatar
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Effects of anti-Rh(D) antibodies on the fetus

Rh disease is caused by the irruption in the fetal circulation of anti-Rh(D) antibodies. This only happens when there has been a prior exposure of the mother to Rh+ RBC. To prevent Rh sensitization ...
user47679's user avatar
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How human placental lactogen (hPL) is associated with insulin resistance in pregnancy?

I am unable to understand the molecular mechanism of hPL induced insulin resistance. Sharing of relevant article/text would be of immense help.
ANA negative's user avatar
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Why do doctors recommend C-section for second birth to women who have 3rd or 4th degree tears in first birth?

From the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists’ The Management of Third- and Fourth-Degree Perineal Tears Green-top Guideline No. 29 June 2015 (updated link): The reported rate of OASIS (...
the_scheining's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to Determine the Top Medical Science Professors in Specific Fields? [closed]

If I want to determine the top medical science professors in a specific field and contact them, how would I go about doing so? I especially want to contact clinical professors. Currently, I am ...
QuietInMontana's user avatar
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Does using 2 vials of sperm per Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) attempt increase the chance of pregnancy?

I read on that some reproductive endocrinologists (RE) recommend to use 2 vials of sperm per Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) ...
user19840's user avatar
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Why anti-VEGF increase in preeclampsia?

Anti-VEGF(vascular endothelial growth factor) Now my question is about pathogenesis of preeclampsia, where in due to underdeveloped placental spiral arteries, they become high resistance, low ...
Physicsapproval's user avatar
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Research on reasons how vasectomy fails

Commonly referred number is that in 1:1000 cases of vasectomy pregnancy can still happen (with same partner). How many such cases have been really studied so far where a pregnancy took place after ...
J. Doe's user avatar
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Can Vitamin C and E supplements cure or manage Preeclampsia resulting from oxidative stress?

According to Judith E. Brown's fifth edition of the "Nutrition Through Life Cycle" textbook, "Oxidative stress and lack of anitoxidant defences appear to play key roles in the development of ...
Ogunlesi Taiwo's user avatar
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What is the probability of having a second pregnancy with IUGR?

The odds of a pregnancy with an Intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) appear to be ~5% in the general population, but, after some searching through Pubmed, I have not been able to find if that number ...
InSpaceICanScreamAsLoudAsIWant's user avatar
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Is Gestational diebetes common to all pregnant women? Can the unborn develop complications from mother with Gestational Diabetes? [closed]

I work as an Industrial Training student in a government Hospital and every Tuesday, happens to be our Immunization clinic. Then a Health talk proceeds. During the Health talk which was conducted by ...
Ogunlesi Taiwo's user avatar
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Are there risks to long term use of IUSs?

The IUS is similar to the intrauterine device (IUD), but instead of releasing copper like the IUD, it releases the hormone progestogen into the womb (NHS 2018). It thickens the cervical mucus, which ...
Chris Rogers's user avatar
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What effect would a sperm containing XX have on a ovum and fetus?

So this is just a random thought I had, while writing a story, but I assume this is likely impossible currently, and likely in the far future aswell, but let's assume a scenario where the body that ...
MartinArrJay's user avatar
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Are postpartum home (not chlorinated) baths more harmful or hurtful to vaginal childbirth recovery?

For this specific question, I am ONLY referring to baths taken either in a facility or home that are for hygiene purposes ONLY: For this question, please disregard information regarding chlorinated/...
Margaret Belt's user avatar
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Ethics and concerns about feeding human placenta to humans?

Background: Placenta is served out of a typical kitchen, i.e. it is chopped up and used in a variety of dishes. The kitchen after the event is never cleaned to any degree that say a surgical room ...
Brian Aker's user avatar
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What is the fetal viability of a full-term birth baby?

The Wikipedia article on fetal viability gives a table giving fetal viability at each week of gestation: So at 34 weeks the viability rate is >98%. But I'm wondering what is the viability of a full-...
Zebrafish's user avatar
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Risks for VBAC vs repeat Cesarean

When discussing a possible vaginal birth after cesarean (VBAC), healthcare professionals often cite the risk of uterine rupture during VBAC as a motivation for repeat Cesarean. This is however only ...
User15107's user avatar
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Does the likelihood of spontaneous labour increase with every membrane sweep?

Two or three membrane sweeps are offered to overdue mothers in weeks 40 and 41 to start labour. Is it advisable to skip the first membrane sweep at week 40 and simply wait for a week, or does this ...
the_scheining's user avatar
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Postpartum haemorrhages due to partial placenta detachment or tear

If only part of the placenta is delivered after the baby is born and the rest is still attached to the womb, the mother can lose a large amount of blood via postpartum haemorrhage. There is no ...
Chris Rogers's user avatar
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Is Pregnancy without Weight Gain or Distended Belly a Health Risk?

There's an old show called "I didn't know I was pregnant" where girls sometimes gain little to no weight and don't look pregnant, then suddenly give birth. Is this unhealthy or dangerous for them or ...
Elly's user avatar
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Is O positive male compatible (fertility wise) with AB positive female?

I'm a male with O positive blood type. My girlfriend has AB positive blood type. Are we medically compatible? Do we have good odds of having healthy offspring? Is there anything we should be aware ...
john's user avatar
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Is there any truth to the claim that pregnancy is somehow a health risk to women?

I've heard people say that pregnancy is somehow dangerous for a woman. I know that you can get high blood pressure, and gestational diabetes but that's usually among obese women. The conditions are ...
user1261710's user avatar
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Menstruation and emergency contraceptives

I would like to know whether emergency contraceptive (such as postinor2) can make you skip a period completely in the menstural cycle it was taken in? Especially after a pregnancy test (taken 3 days ...
Pink_NinjaTurtle's user avatar
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Are there any herbal medicines that have been established to actually speed up or ease labor?

Now that I'm 37 weeks pregnant, I seem to have a large number of acquaintances suggesting herbal medicines to me the speed up labor or thin the cervix. The two most common have been raspberry leaf tea ...
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In medieval times, how were twins detected?

I was wondering how women (in the old times) were able to find if they were expecting twins. Was it possible a woman give birth to twins without knowing it?
spohreis's user avatar
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In an emergency situation, how does the medical doctor determine that an unconscious patient is pregnant?

If I were to be in a car accident, or something similar, I know that certain tests would be performed either by the first responders or by the medical personnel in the emergency room. Like checking my ...
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Liver for iron deficiency anemia

I need some help for one of my stories and I didn't think this would be suitable for Worldbuilding or Writing so I am asking it here. Lisa, one of my characters, is pregnant and she is in her second ...
Caters's user avatar
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What is the dispersion of woman's ovulation day around the mean value which is 14th day?

Everywhere there's information that ovulation happens at around 14th day of the cycle. But what is the mathematical meaning for the word around?
Dimitrius's user avatar
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About contraception pills efficacy

It is supposed to take "placebo pills" when a woman is on her menstruation and just only the first time she start taking contraception pills is mandatory to consume a pill on the first day of the ...
john's user avatar
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Laser treatment during pregnancy? [closed]

I desperately need advice! I'm so happy to say that I'm 5 weeks pregnant. I just confirmed it yesterday. I'm concerned only about one thing. I have undergone laser hair removal a few days back without ...
kathylake54's user avatar
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Is it normal to have high cholesterol after pregnancy?

Does breastfeeding moms tend to have higher cholesterol levels after pregnancy?
somename's user avatar
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Maximum time for symptoms of pregnancy to show up? [duplicate]

Just wanted to know what is the maximum possible time for symptoms of pregnancy to show up after having unprotected sex(assume conception occurs)? What I mean is visible symptoms,not something like ...
InStReSs's user avatar
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What is the life expectancy of a sperm in dried semen?

How long can sperm survive when semen dries? Can dead sperm cause pregnancy? For example, if semen were left to dry on the toilet seat for 2 hours, and a woman were to use the toilet, is there ANY ...
InStReSs's user avatar
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Pregnancy and flying

I've heard that flying can harm a developing baby when the mother is pregnant. What happened to my partner is that she missed her period and took a flight after being one and a half months pregnant. ...
Jimmy Joslington's user avatar
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Is there a list of the most prominent textbooks in each field of medical expertise? [closed]

I am familiar with Harrison's principles of internal medicine and Nelson's textbook of pediatrics, which I've heard are regarded as the go-to books in their respective fields. I am looking for more ...
Don_S's user avatar
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Clonazepam and pregnancy

What are the risks of my wife taking clonazepam during pregnancy? To be specific, I am looking for recent studies on this, I have done a lot of research and am fairly confused by what I have read.
Patrick's user avatar
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