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Questions tagged [medical-ethics]

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Medical ethics and interaction with law enforcement

There are a few situations where the needs of law enforcement seem to encroach on medical ethics, and I wonder how medical professionals resolve the conflict. I'll offer a couple of specific examples: ...
Fraser Orr's user avatar
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Failing to disclose contagious illness

Suppose a doctor prescribes a family member (who lives in the same home) some test for an infectious disease, and then that family member tests positive. Is it a violation of medical ethics to fail to ...
medicalethicsquestion's user avatar
-1 votes
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Is a doctor treating a family member with dementia an AMA ethics violation?

Let's say I have a family member with dementia (let's call him Dave), and his mother's husband (not his father, let's call him Bob) is a neurologist. Dave's father had the same issue with dementia, ...
Sandra BoDean's user avatar
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A patient refuses treatment because of addiction or fear. How do medical and legal professionals assess their decision-making capacity?

Background For an informed consent of a patient to be respected, the patient needs to be decisionally capacitated. The necessary components of decision-making capacity are: (Choice) The ability to ...
Ooker's user avatar
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Why is there no generally accepted system of disease classification?

I am reading Burket's Oral Medicine: Diagnosis and Treatment, Chapter 1 - Evaluation of the Dental Patient: Diagnosis and Medical Risk Assessment. Under the section 'Establishing The Diagnosis', the ...
Noeshel 's user avatar
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Is it better to diversify across multiple vaccines?

It is certainly good to study multiple coronavirus vaccines at this point, but that is not what I mean by this question. What I mean is: suppose a vaccine appears safe and effective from trials, is ...
present's user avatar
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In Washington state must a doctor report situations that happened in the past? [closed]

Are Washington state's mandated reporting requirements triggered if a doctor discovers that their adult patient had been abused in the past? What if there are no longer any 'protected populations' at ...
Nutel's user avatar
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How do hospitals decide whether to reopen elective surgeries during this COVID-19 pandemic?

Many hospitals have cancelled or postponed elective procedures due to the current COVID-19 pandemic. What kinds of considerations are ethics committees making when deciding to reopen elective ...
D.Tan's user avatar
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Have any regulatory agencies announced they would allow live Covid-19 human challenges (for vaccine testing purposes)?

It's been mentioned to me in the discussion on another question that the following proposal has been advanced (in a medical journal): Controlled human challenge trials of SARS-CoV-2 vaccine ...
got trolled too much this week's user avatar
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Is there a history of a country stealing medical supplies? [closed]

Today the Whitehouse asked 3M to stop shipments to Canada for protection from SARS-Cov2. That seems like a bad idea because Canada could retaliate by cutting off water, electricity, oil, natural gas ...
WinEunuuchs2Unix's user avatar
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What is the point of herd immunity?

A few weeks ago the UK has been debating about herd immunity. I understand that when most people are immune to a disease, then the disease is harder to spread. However, how are they going to ...
Andrew Yu's user avatar
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Can a medical doctor write a prescription which has not gone through a formal diagnosis to identify as needed?

This question largely arises from a scene in the TV Show Frasier, but it got me wondering, can a Doctor write a prescription for an individual that he knows they need, but has not gone through the ...
Sidney's user avatar
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Ethics and concerns about feeding human placenta to humans?

Background: Placenta is served out of a typical kitchen, i.e. it is chopped up and used in a variety of dishes. The kitchen after the event is never cleaned to any degree that say a surgical room ...
Brian Aker's user avatar
7 votes
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The Ethics of extra treatment

This is something that I have been considering for quite a while based on a fictional story I had read. An unconscious individual must undergo emergency surgery in order to stabilise them and prevent ...
Q the Platypus's user avatar
2 votes
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Can side effects on test drug be not fully disclosed and still ethical?

Say a doctor invites a patient to test a new drug, because there is currently no effective drug to cure the illness. The patient says "I trust that what you are doing is best for my benefit. I'll take ...
Ooker's user avatar
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What should a GP do if a patient unilaterally discontinues the prescription of a specialist? [closed]

The patient has been diagnosed with a condition by a specialist, unknown to the GP. The specialist prescribes a medication. A month later the patient visits his GP, but three days prior to his ...
caduceus's user avatar
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Hermaphrodites (born with both sets of genitalia): Do surgeons HAVE to perform surgery? How soon? Decision basis for which genitalia to keep?

According to research by Organization Intersex International, hermaphrodites (born with both male and female genitalia) "make up 1 in 2000, or .05%." Babies born as hermaphrodites happen more than the ...
Butterfly and Bones's user avatar
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Can a hospital bill me based on my name and date of birth? [closed]

If an out-of-state hospital has none of my information except for name and date of birth, can they bill me? I was hospitalized in NY for a night for excessive drinking, what can I expect or should I ...
rx19's user avatar
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Can unpaid/unlicensed college interns edit medical charts in California?

I recently took an unpaid internship at a pain management clinic who is asking me to edit SOAP notes and patients' charts. Is it legal for me to even touch this information without even having been ...
Leah's user avatar
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Why doctors have different opinions and diagnosis for the same patient?

I really wonder why different doctors have different opinions or diagnosis. I've experienced this many times. For example, I went to ten doctors to see what's wrong with my eye. Some of them said I'm ...
user2824371's user avatar
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Can a past psychiatrist share information with your current psychiatrist?

I've heard there's a HIPAA exception where health care providers can share information without the patient's consent for the purposes of treatment. Does this mean my previous psychiatrist can share ...
Cole Mason's user avatar