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4 votes

Can a headache be caused solely by a smell?

Certainly, headaches can be caused by a variety of smells, perfumes, paints, gasoline, bleach and yes, air fresheners. A study in 200 migraine patients showed perfumes were the first most common ...
Scientificpr's user avatar
3 votes

Do painkillers cure headaches or just stop us from feeling it?

Are painkillers curative for migraine headaches? No, they are not, but they are therapeutic. Similarly to user @De Novo's comment, the main problem in migraine headaches is the pain. Although the ...
nash's user avatar
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2 votes

"Blood rushing to the head" during handstands: How is it regulated?

What happens during inversion? increase in blood pressure Oxygen uptake increase Heart rate decreased significantly The double product, the frequency of breaths, and tidal volume were not ...
Physicsapproval's user avatar
2 votes

Fever and severe headache without inflammation markers

Examples of conditions with fever and severe headache in which inflammation is not involved or is not the main process: Caffeine overdose (BMJ) "Thyroid storm" - acute hyperthyropidism (PubMed) ...
Jan's user avatar
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Do painkillers cure headaches or just stop us from feeling it?

How do painkillers work? When part of your body is injured, special nerve endings send pain messages back to your brain. Painkilling drugs interfere with these messages, either at the site of the ...
Krishna Mohan's user avatar
2 votes

Postconcussion symptoms: how long? Are they reversible? Treatment options?

Postconcussion syndrome is common following a traumatic brain injury (independent on the severity of the TBI). According to some studies, 30%-80% of patients with mild to moderate brain injury will ...
M. Arrowsmith's user avatar
1 vote

Can tight glasses cause headaches?

I've been wearing glasses since 1980. I too get those depressions in the side of my head just above my ears. These don't give me headaches, but the frames do cause great tension in my scalp and eyes. ...
Jon's user avatar
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