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11 votes

Why can we extend the middle finger when there is only one muscle for all fingers?

Muscles aren't singular entities, they're made up of multiple muscle fibers. In the case of the extensor digitorum, the muscle fibers are attached to one of various tendons that manipulate the fingers,...
Bryan Krause's user avatar
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6 votes

What will happen if you keep running? What will eventually cause you to stop?

If the runner can't drink then dehydration will be the first thing that takes him out. Water is the one essential thing he's going to lose rapidly through sweat, urine and respiration, and as he loses ...
Carey Gregory's user avatar
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5 votes

life expectancy for cerebral palsy (spastic diplegia)?

Having done more searching over the last month, I thought it might be helpful to others if I answered my own question. I came to three realizations: First, this is like asking, "Dear Google, when am ...
jdobres's user avatar
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5 votes

To what degree does tactile stimulation affect muscle tone?

I believe the procedure described is called either muscle energy technique (MET) or proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNT). More details are on (p. 229). Skin stimuli, like ...
Jan's user avatar
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Difference between strength and hypertrophy?

The difference between the two concepts you are talking about is "physiological" versus "pathological" hypertrophy. Shimizu and Minamino note (2016. PMID 27262674: Cardiac ...
Ian Campbell's user avatar
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4 votes

Is any anticholinergic necessarily antihistamine?

Anticholinergic medications are called this way because they block transmission via the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. To be more precise, there are different types of acetylcholine receptors: ...
Narusan's user avatar
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3 votes

How are surgical patients kept still while awake?

I am an anesthetic nurse and have been present at different neurosurgical operations while patients were awake. Mainly brain tumors, but also some stimulation electrodes to fight tremor in Parkinson ...
Nils Pawlik's user avatar
3 votes

Can chronic muscle strain/tension persist after its causes are removed?

It not only can happen, it actually will happen eventually, as every physiotherapist will be able to tell you. That's why moving joints (and, accordingly, the attached muscles) through their range of ...
Philip Klöcking's user avatar
3 votes

What is the difference between "mild degeneration of the muscular attachment of the gluteus medius" and "mild tendinosis of the left gluteus medius"?

The statement the question refers to may possibly denote two different conditions at two different sites, and, for instance, translate to: There are tiny calcium deposits where gluteus attaches to ...
Peter Bernhard's user avatar
3 votes

Inspiratory and Expiratory Muscle Training

The Powerbreathe is an inspiratory muscle trainer promoted as improving inspiratory muscle strength (and consequently exercise performance) in athletes and patients with respiratory disease. No ...
Physicsapproval's user avatar
3 votes

Why is the M. supinator not an extensor of the Art. cubiti?

Point of attachment and direction of force development. This is like trying to move a door near the handle or at the hinges. Lever forces are weak in one case and almost absent in the other case. It ...
LаngLаngС's user avatar
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Is Glucose-6-phosphatase absent in all the 3 types of muscular tissues?

In humans, glucose-6-phosphatase is actually a multiunit enzyme system (Hutton and O'Brien 2009. PMCID 2785553). There are at least 3 isoforms. G6PC The first isoform, encoded by the G6PC gene, is ...
Ian Campbell's user avatar
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Myocardial Ischemic Contractile Failure & Potassium

Your understanding about the mechanism by which the K+ ions leak out of the cardiac cell during ischaemia is correct. But, regarding the latter part, lets discuss what is the situation of K+ ions in a ...
Harshit Shah's user avatar
3 votes

What will happen if you keep running? What will eventually cause you to stop?

It's been my understanding that a buildup of lactic acid (aka lactate) eventually causes the muscles to stop being able to process glucose. This article from Scientific American describes the ...
BillDOe's user avatar
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Normal life with heavy weights?

If you build this up gradually, then you're more likely to succeed, although it may still be above the limit that your body can tolerate in the long term. In general, exercise stresses the body, but ...
Count Iblis's user avatar
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2 votes

Which kind of muscle has greatest resting metabolic rate; big muscle, or strong muscle?

Background: Basal Metabolic Rate is the minimal rate of energy expenditure per unit time by endothermic animals at rest. Several BMR equations exist but the most notable one was the Harris-Benedict ...
John's user avatar
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How to differentially diagnose continuing sciatic pain given this existing information?

DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS Differential diagnosis in an adult man with a unilateral pain in the gluteal area lasting for over a year and not worsening, without a history of trauma, infection or ...
Jan's user avatar
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2 votes

Why does an orthotic work instead of an exercise for hammertoe?

It depends on whether the hammer toes are due to functional problems or are fixed. If the proximal interphalangeal joint can be passively extended, then an orthotic can help. If the passive issue is ...
Graham Chiu's user avatar
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1 vote

Does skeletal muscle injury cause hypertrophy or atrophy?

The answer is hypertrophy, but if the injury is disabling, then it will lead to muscle atrophy due to disuse. Note that body builders lift weight until causing minor injury.
Sohrab T's user avatar
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Different types of nociceptors in muscle vs connective tissue?

Your question focuses on the location of the receptors (the part of the nociceptors that is reacting to mechanical, thermal, or chemical stimuli). An equally important part of a nociceptor is the ...
Dan R's user avatar
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How precisely can a physiotherapist assess muscles tightness?

As a continence and pelvic pain physiotherapist pelvic floor muscle tightness is actually an assessment of increased tone or muscle overactivity. Palpation is digital and sides are compared as are ...
Michelle Sayyed's user avatar
1 vote

How should I deal with my leg being tired at the fourth day after the overexertion?

Not neccessarly. If you're in acute pain then you should definitely go to the doctor or emergency room. But I've recently overexerted myself biking and jogging and it took about 5 days for my aching ...
larry909's user avatar
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Has my history of body building made me permanently stronger? (Despite quitting years ago)

Studies do suggest the existence of "muscle memory", possibly related to the nuclei of muscle cells (myonuclei). See here for instance. Still, the precise dynamics and hysteresis of strength and their ...
Tetramino's user avatar
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Does excercise increase body mass?

Yes, although your success will depend on many factors. The best way to gain muscle mass is by lifting heavy weights. You will also need to make sure you eat enough, especially enough of protein. How ...
Mal's user avatar
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Why do guys develop "abs" more easily than girls?

On a population level, women tend to have higher body fat percentage than men: 25% for normal women versus 15% for men. This means that for a man and women with equally-sized abs, the man's abs will ...
veritessa's user avatar
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