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6 votes

How can I protect my eyesight when using computers?

The Vision Council, which represents the manufacturers and suppliers of the optical industry, suggests the following tips to prevent and lessen digital eye strain: Adjust the brightness of your ...
kenorb's user avatar
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6 votes

What causes the cornea to change shape in astigmatism?

The specific cause of astigmatism is unknown. It can be hereditary and is usually present from birth. It can decrease or increase over time. - American Optometric Association You might've had it ...
kit's user avatar
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6 votes

What is the use of these green and red lines on Snellen/Eye chart?

These two lines can be used to detect color blindness in which red cannot be distinguished from green (deuteranopia). The person tested, often a child in that case, must be able to name the colors of ...
jlliagre's user avatar
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5 votes

why is it not allowed to take aspirin based medicines before a day and after a week of cataract surgery?

Aspirin has a "blood thinning" effect; it inhibits platelet aggregation. Therefore, it gives a higher risk of bleeding in the period surrounding the surgery. I have not found a review about ...
Tami's user avatar
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5 votes

Is Myopia Reversible/Curable?

Myopia, or nearsightedness, occurs when the eye grows too long from front to back. According to the American Optometric Association, Myopia occurs if the eyeball is too long or the cornea (the ...
Taylor's user avatar
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5 votes

How to reduce the side effects of wearing contact lens?

Questions 1-2 Unfortunately, the answer to these depend on the exact brand and line of contacts used. For example, here is a long list of silicon hydrogel lenses, and how long they last. Here is ...
argentum2f's user avatar
5 votes

Can colorblind people see any types of images that normally sighted people have a hard time with?

Yep, in fact there is a 'Reverse Color Blind Test' that is difficult for normal sighted people to pass but is relatively easy for colorblind people to pass. Here's an example: BTW, the word is "...
BobT's user avatar
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4 votes

Is it ok to not wash a contact lens?

Much like you probably won't catch a cold every time someone sneezes on you, you also most likely won't get an eye infection every time you neglect contact lens hygiene. We all did it at some point, I'...
mismas's user avatar
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4 votes

Are there behavioral causes for myopia?

I think the best known environmental risk factor (to date) for myopia is lack of intense/outdoor light exposure. The pathway for this is reasonably well understood, namely: lack of intense light ...
got trolled too much this week's user avatar
4 votes

Is there an antagonistic pair of muscles in the eye?

The eye is formed by three layers. From the outside to the inside, you have: The fibrous layer: formed by the cornea and the sclera. The vascular layer: formed (from posterior to anterior) by the ...
astrocito's user avatar
4 votes

What is the difference between fundus image, fundus photography and retinal image?

Fundus photography and fundus images are pictures of the retina. The fundus of the eye is just the interior surface of the eye opposite the lens, so it includes the retina as well as the optic disc, ...
Melissa Y's user avatar
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3 votes

How to diagnose myopia in a 2-year old?

Refractive errors can be detected by using an ophthalmoscope. To get an accurate measurement you can do streak retinoscopy.
Graham Chiu's user avatar
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3 votes

Are computers bad for health?

Mainly, these are the most prominent: Eye Strain: Dryness, Irritation, Blurred vision, Headaches Musculoskeletal Problems: Neck pain,Back pain,Shoulder pain,Repetitive strain injuries Sedentary ...
Tanzir Islam Britto's user avatar
3 votes

Is there any homeopathic solution for heredomacula degeneration

Homeopathy is a pseudosience with no proven effectiveness in treating any condition. Degenerative diseases are hard to treat, but don't lose hope that new research will discover a treatment that works ...
Variax's user avatar
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3 votes

Safe and state-of-the art method of laser vision/eyesight correction/surgery?

Brief description: LASEK and LASIK - cut a flap in the eye, use a laser to remove material underneath to reshape the lens and correct vision. LASIK has been around for a while, so there have been a ...
argentum2f's user avatar
3 votes

How is the eye score interpreted?

The information you provided Right lens Sph -0,50 Cyl -0,50 axis 10 Left Lens Sph -0,50 Cyl -0,50 axis 170 Type CR39 SN ARC is a little bit clearer than you can sometimes see. When you look ...
Chris Rogers's user avatar
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3 votes

What is the name of a condition where one cannot/can poorly perceive depth for objects moving towards them

What you appear to be describing is called Akinetopsia. (Greek: a for "without", kine for "to move" and opsia for "seeing") a neuropsychological disorder in which a patient cannot perceive ...
Jiminy Cricket.'s user avatar
3 votes

How our brain discharge old CSF?

After CSF flows through ventricular space into the subarachnoidal space it is absorbed into venous stream through Arachnoid granulations. My first one-line answer =)
practiZ's user avatar
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3 votes

What is the use of these green and red lines on Snellen/Eye chart?

Its for a 'Red-Green duochrome test'. A primary task of the eye care professional is determining the refraction, or optical correction, of a patient. The duochrome red-green test is a standard tool ...
NetServOps's user avatar
2 votes

Can optic neuritis be recovered 100%?

There's no reason to expect a full recovery within a short period of time. Optic neuritis takes some time to heal - if it does - and usually leads to effects lasting for months or longer. Many studies ...
HDE 226868's user avatar
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2 votes

Help reading an eyeglass prescription: What does "PL" or "PC" mean?

I finally found this: Plano - PL - This indicates there is no spherical correction in this eye. A plano lens would have no focusing power or correction to it. So it's 0. Source: How to Read and ...
THE JOATMON's user avatar
2 votes

How can I describe my eye weakness (disease) to a doctor?

I'm quite sure the description you give here is enough for a doctor. Please take a look at this: WebMD is a reliable source. They state: If ...
Nicow's user avatar
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2 votes

Does eyesight significantly vary from day-to-day?

There are a lot of factors involved. I'm no authoritative expert, but here are my personal observations about visual acuity fluctuations and optical knowledge, since getting LASEK (PRK) 6 years ago. ...
Yale Zhang's user avatar
2 votes

What VR app that cure myopia?

There isn't an app that 'cures' myopia There is at least one 'eye training' VR app for things like amblyopia (which I make no claim about the benefits or drawbacks of); and reports from 2015 of a ...
bertieb's user avatar
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2 votes

How to doctors test for eye damage from a solar eclipse?

No, it's not. Solar retinopathy commonly presents with blurred vision the day after gazing at an eclipse so the diagnosis can be made on the history. Other symptoms that might present include a ...
Graham Chiu's user avatar
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2 votes

Is Myopia Reversible/Curable?

There appear to be both genetic and environmental factors for the development of myopia. The results from the Sydney Myopia study found that RESULTS: Children who became myopic spent less time ...
Graham Chiu's user avatar
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2 votes

Is corneal ulcer contagious?

There are a couple variables, let me explain. An ulcer itself is not contagious. It is just an open sore that won't heal properly. What exactly causes an ulcer to occur needs to be determined by a ...
cloudnyn3's user avatar
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2 votes

Can spine misalignment be responsible for eye conditions?

I'm not entirely certain what you mean by "spine misalignment", but there are certainly traumatic injuries to the cervical neck that can indirectly result in full or partial blindness. This would ...
Dylan Russell's user avatar
2 votes

Which one is better? Reading on a computer, on a tablet, or on paper?

To first establish a baseline: Reading is great for your brain, your mind, your intellect. But it can be bad for everything else. You sit, you concentrate, you stress your eyes. It is such a common ...
LаngLаngС's user avatar
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