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Which one is more harmful for your kidneys, drinking more or less water?

Background reading Even though your fluid intake can be highly variable, the total volume of fluid in your body normally remains stable. Homeostasis of body fluid volume depends in large part on the ...
User 25125's user avatar
6 votes

Can drinking ultra-pure water be dangerous?

ACUTE effects of drinking distilled water The idea behind the myth that distilled water is harmful is that its low osmolality ("tonicity") could dangerously decrease the blood osmolality, which is ...
Jan's user avatar
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What is the difference between soda water and water?

Chemically speaking, carbonated water is just plain water with carbon dioxide dissolved in it under high pressure. It hydrates just as well as normal water, because it still contains plain H2O. ...
Narusan's user avatar
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Not taking bath or shower when sick

Is there any evidence that taking a bath or shower when sick has negative effects? This is quite interesting because I've heard MANY patients with this same belief. Some people believe that bathing ...
Rachelle Ann Facistol Mata's user avatar
5 votes

Is it safe to reboil tap water?

Snopes has covered this. In summary, there is no risk to boiling the same water more than once. Nothing about the water changes except the temperature. There could be theoretical risks if you ...
Bryan Krause's user avatar
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4 votes

What is the best way to obtain pure drinking water in the U S?

Mineral water from a glass bottle can have a good taste, is clean and does not contain fluoride (or far less than tap water). It is sodium in mineral water that is most responsible for its (good) ...
Jan's user avatar
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Does drinking water more than 10 liters per day has any benefit or side effect?

Drinking the appropriate amount of water is okay, but when it becomes excessive, then it could lead to some dangerous circumstances. The appropriate amount of water varies according to lifestyle. ...
Prince's user avatar
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How much water does a 30 year old male need to drink daily?

The daily water requirements for a 30 years old male are in general the same as for other adults. You need to consume as much water as you lose it. A young adult loses at least about 1 liter per day --...
Jan's user avatar
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Filtered water vs boiled water

The hazards from drinking water in Mumbai in 2012-2013 were identified as Officials said the contaminants found in Mumbai's water were sand particles, sewage water, E.coli, other bacterial content ...
Graham Chiu's user avatar
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Do most people actually manage to drink 2 litres of water a day?

In short: It may not be possible to recommend any fixed amount of water to anyone, because the water needs differ from person to person, and for a given person, from day to day, which mainly depends ...
Jan's user avatar
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How long would someone be able to live if they suddenly became allergic to water?

Due to the rarity of the condition, pathogenesis is poorly understood. According to Aung, Montelibano, & Zin (2017), water may act as a solvent in aquagenic urticaria, solubilizing an antigen that ...
Chris Rogers's user avatar
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Is it not healthy way to boil water in plastic electric kettle?

This depends, unfortunately. And it does depend a bit on budget as well. Electric kettles used for boiling water can leach certain substances. For plastic the main concern currently is BPA leaching. ...
LаngLаngС's user avatar
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Daily dose of recommended water

A cup is a non-standard unit of measurement for volume: It usually varies between 200ml and 250ml. In the U.S., it is 2.365882365 decilitres exactly (which ...
JMP's user avatar
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3 votes

Limited amount for drinking water?

Drinking too much water can lead to water intoxication, but For those who have healthy kidneys, it is rather difficult to drink too much water (according to Wikipedia). Another article has ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
3 votes

Why do I feel dehydrated when I wake up very early?

The feeling of dehydration may be due to dry mouth, for example, due to stress related to getting up early. Feeling unrefreshed due to lack of sleep may also make you feel dehydrated. But this is not ...
Jan's user avatar
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3 votes

Do most people actually manage to drink 2 litres of water a day?

I think most people do not drink a such quantity of water. Think: 2 litres are more or less equal to 8 glasses, but on average we have: 2 for breakfast, 2 for lunch, 2 for dinner [ 1 ], that's just ...
mattia.b89's user avatar
3 votes

Consequences of habitual overconsumption of water?

Your body should tightly control the water concentration (osmolality) via sensors in the brain (osmoreceptors) which send chemical signals (vasopressin) to the kidneys. These receptors are very ...
Osmo's user avatar
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How long is stored tap water safe to be around (not drink)?

Water stored in jugs that are never opened could contain a dozen lethal diseases and as long as you left the jugs tightly closed they would be harmless. The danger comes when water containing ...
Carey Gregory's user avatar
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Are water only fasts healthy? Can they cause headaches or other medical problems?

You have to be sensible, losing weight is simple thermodynamics. If you consume less calories than you need, you will lose weight. says it best: What should I eat for weight loss? Eat ...
John's user avatar
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Does hot water kill germs better than cold water?

They weren't entirely wrong. Saying that warm water kills germs better isn't true, but warm water is good for getting rid of dirt, grime, and oils. It works in the same way as dissolving sugar in ...
N. J. P.'s user avatar
3 votes

can I mix cool water with hot water

There is ill effect if the water contains germs. Boiling water kill the germs, and mixing them with cold water will result in a temperature low enough for the germs from the cold water to survive. ...
Lakshmi Balan's user avatar
3 votes

How often should you drink water? Not how much

In a recent Time magazine article, they reference a 2015 study in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition about recommended water drinking frequency, "A randomized trial to assess the ...
MXMLLN's user avatar
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Do most people actually manage to drink 2 litres of water a day?

We can find the answer here: Among U.S. adults, men consumed an average of 3.46 liters (117 ounces) of water per day, and women consumed 2.75 liters (93 ounces) per day. Men aged 60 and over ...
Count Iblis's user avatar
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2 votes

Why drinking unflavored sparkling water has such an aggressive effect on teeth?

If it is just sparkling water, not other acids –aka flavours– added, then it is not that bad for your teeth. It all depends on how acidic, how low the pH level for the actual drink is and for how ...
LаngLаngС's user avatar
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Are water only fasts healthy? Can they cause headaches or other medical problems?

Here's one long review article with lots of references that mentions eventual health benefits of fasting: Longo VD et al, 2014 Fasting: Molecular Mechanisms and Clinical Applications (PubMed Central) ...
Jan's user avatar
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How to treat blood-shot eyes if I don't have eye-drops? Water good or bad idea?

Bad idea. Tears are not water, so water will simply wash them away and cause increased irritation. There are various folk remedies you can try such as placing teabags on your eyes, but in general if ...
Carey Gregory's user avatar
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2 votes

Is it recommended to drink water during meals?

Drinking water during or after a meal actually aids digestion. Water and other liquids help break down food so that your body can absorb the nutrients. Water also softens stools, which helps prevent ...
Prince's user avatar
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Are aluminum kettles dangerous?

We don't know how risky aluminum is. (Source.) In Germany, the Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR) wondered about kettles too. They wrote an article named "FAQs about aluminium in food and ...
unforgettableidSupportsMonica's user avatar
2 votes

Why do people infected with rabies have a fear of water?

When the rabies virus is spread to a new host, it first attacks muscle cells, which prevents the host's immune system from recognizing the invasion. Next, it binds to neurons at neuromuscular junction....
Jon Letko's user avatar
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Hard water and cardiovascular problems

Nothing much new. Potential Health Impacts of Hard Water (PubMed Central, 2013) Although, there is some evidence from epidemiological studies for a protective effect of magnesium or hardness on ...
Jan's user avatar
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