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What is the pH of La Croix?

Some vendors publish the pH values for the products they sell (examples in this answer). But that seems to be only the case if their product really stands out to the competition with high pH levels. ...
LаngLаngС's user avatar
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5 votes

What is the difference between soda water and water?

Chemically speaking, carbonated water is just plain water with carbon dioxide dissolved in it under high pressure. It hydrates just as well as normal water, because it still contains plain H2O. ...
Narusan's user avatar
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4 votes

Are Soft Drinks dangerous for health?

Short and sweet (pun intended) Soft drinks generally contain a lot of sugar. As a general rule, there’s 10.6g of sugar per 100ml of Coca-Cola Classic. So the health effects of drinking soft drinks ...
Chris Rogers's user avatar
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3 votes

Sweating while having lemon

Head sweating and flushing after eating or just smelling or thinking about a certain food is called gustatory sweating. MedicineNet: Gustatory sweating: Sweating on the forehead, face, scalp, and ...
Jan's user avatar
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3 votes

What is the pH of La Croix?

This research article is maybe useful: The pH of beverages available to the American consumer Perrier is a 5.5 pH, albeit unflavored, and the ...
Dean J's user avatar
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2 votes

Soda / Pop alternatives to appease desire for super sugary drinks

You have a job that requires concentration. The caffeine and sugar in the soda provide quick concentrated "brain food". I am not passing judgement on sugar and caffeine. I eat both of these things ...
Gordon's user avatar
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1 vote

If I get COVID-19, can I still drink coffee?

Similarly to Graham Chiu, I could not find any relevant articles on PubMed. I performed searches linking viral disease and caffeine, but most were related to viral hepatitis. Instead, I decided to ...
Roby Vicary's user avatar
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If I get COVID-19, can I still drink coffee?

At the very least, coffee (caffeine actually) can can have a complex interaction with pain medication. Caffeine can actually enhance the pain-relief effects of some medications, like aspirin, which is ...
got trolled too much this week's user avatar
1 vote

If I get COVID-19, can I still drink coffee?

A search on Pubmed, and Google has found no data to support the assertion from the Viriginia Government that coffee drinking is deleterious to your health when you have the Covid-19. Unless they ...
Graham Chiu's user avatar
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If I get COVID-19, can I still drink coffee?

To some people, caffeine is a diuretic. You want to stay as hydrated as possible during any illness to give the body what it needs and promote a fast recovery. Since caffeine is a diuretic (to some ...
Tyler M's user avatar
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Do slow juicers yield a more nutritious juice than regular juicers?

That is true, in principle. A bit slower is usually at least a bit better. The same principle that differentiates olive oil grades can be applied to juices. A proper (albeit quite small) study on ...
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