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How important is the experience of the radiologist to diagnose a tendinopathy when reading an MRI?

Have a look at this publication of Sein et al., 'Reliability of MRI assessment of supraspinatus tendinopathy.' (PMID 17289860) Sein ML et al. Reliability of MRI assessment of supraspinatus ...
J. Bowden's user avatar
5 votes

Is a CT scan specific to an organ?

In general, a CT scan of an organ is intended to check only that organ, not the entire body region, even if some other organs are seen on the image. A CT of one organ can accidentally reveal a ...
Jan's user avatar
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What does the intensity in an MR image represent?

There are no units for MRI intensity. A Comparison of Five Methods for Signal Intensity Standardization in MRI ( A major problem in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is the lack of a ...
Jan's user avatar
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When is an MRI also an MRN?

If you are going to have a Magnetic Resonance Neurography (MRN), also known as MR Imaging of Peripheral Nerves (PNI) (UCSF), a doctor will likely tell you in advance, at least because the ...
Jan's user avatar
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Machine learning for medical image scanning

Commonly used diagnostic imaging methods are: Ultrasonography X-ray Computed tomography (CT) Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) Scintigraphy or radionuclide scan (injecting a radioactive tracer into a ...
Jan's user avatar
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3 votes

Can lung imaging uniquely identify coronavirus-induced pheumonia?

It has been recognized since the earliest months of the pandemic that SARS-Cov-2 infection is associated with otherwise uncommon lung CT findings including ground-glass opacities (GGO), GGO plus a ...
Ian Campbell's user avatar
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When is an MRI also an MRN?

Magnetic Resonance Imaging is an umbrella term for any medical imaging technique that makes use of the phenomenon of nuclear magnetic resonance. There are many variants depending on how the scanner is ...
Chris's user avatar
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Meaning of "acquisition in a single volume" (CT scanning)

“Acquisition in a single volume” means an image obtained by a single rotation of a scanner ("single gantry rotation"). It covers up to 16 cm of the body. "Wide volume imaging" includes repeated ...
Jan's user avatar
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3 votes

Is ultrasound more subjective than X-ray?

There are some evidences to prove that ultrasound is subjective, as there are chances of it giving false positive results as the interpretation may vary from one evaluator to the other. the ...
Ojasvi's user avatar
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Medical Images and workflow

Take a look at the IHE Radiology Scheduled Workflow integration profile in IHE Radiology (RAD) Technical Framework. This explains a common workflow model.
Dave's user avatar
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2 votes

How can an MRI influence the treatment in case of an elbow tendinopathy?

I think it is mainly due to the evidence indicating poor accuracy (sensitivity and specificity) of conventional MRI. It means that false-positive or false-negative findings may be detected in MRI of ...
maaniB's user avatar
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2 votes

Ultra Sound Gender Prediction Accuray

Fetal gender determination is suprisingly accurate, according to this study: Accuracy of sonographic fetal gender determination: predictions made by sonographers during routine obstetric ultrasound ...
Chris's user avatar
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DICOM SliceThickness proximity

The slice location can be easily computed by looking at the (0020, 0032) ImagePosition tag. This tag is described in the DICOM Documentation Part 3 (page 561) and it's a type 1 attribute, i.e. it's ...
blunova's user avatar
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2 votes

Why are the radiation doses of dental CBCT scan in mGy/cm2 rather than microsievert?

The units might actually have been mGy•cm^2 (rather than mGy/cm^2). This is the dose (in Grays) multiplied by the area it is administered over and is known as the Dose Area Product. This is used as it ...
Chris's user avatar
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1 vote

Is it typical for US doctors to be in the room and participating in their patient's CT Scan, MRI, etc?

As with anything, it depends. As a surgeon who often covers trauma call, I will accompany my sick and traumatically injured patients to the CT scanner from the emergency room. Often times, in the ...
Dylan Russell's user avatar
1 vote

COVID-19: Medical imaging recommendations from Asia

I don't know about official Chinese recommendations, but this might help. China had experience with SARS, and this new infection was looking a lot like SARS. They did not have a surfeit of testing ...
anongoodnurse's user avatar
1 vote

RTG Pisiform Fracture or Noise

Pisiform fractures like scaphoid fractures can be tricky to identify, and this is a good example of why! Even though I don't have a definitive yes/no answer, I wanted to answer this question as it is ...
DoctorWhom's user avatar
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Reading radiology reports: What do two numbers separated by a slash mean?

I called the radiology office and the technician I talked with said that the numbers should denote the series and frame in which the (in this case) lesions can be found. He said that these numbers ...
Web_Designer's user avatar
1 vote

Machine learning for medical image scanning

I would like to make a recommendation, as a researcher also working in medical imaging. You state that you are interested in predicting lesion diameter, patient gender, and patient age from the scans. ...
veritessa's user avatar
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1 vote

Derive radiation exposure from DICOM files

I would say no, because Sievert is defined as Joule/kg ( I cannot find the patient weight or mass irradiated in the provided data.
Thomas's user avatar
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Medical imaging - image quality?

It seems that the goal in medical imaging is to be effective at making a determination about various disease states. So generating a "quality" image means a different thing, depending upon ...
Dale's user avatar
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