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5 votes

Are polyuria and diuresis different, and if so, how?

The definitions are similar (or depending upon the source essentially the same as in polyuria vs diuresis). One is a symptom of disease. The other is an effect of an intervention, usually related to ...
RudyB's user avatar
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What exactly are the health risks of using public swimming pools?

"Surely there are more risks" well, you could drown. You could be assaulted or filmed in the change room. You could get dry skin from exposure to the water or the compounds in it - when I swam daily ...
Kate Gregory's user avatar
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Blood in urine without seeing it...?

Yes. what you are describing sounds like microscopic hematuria (1). Sometimes red blood cells(RBC) are not numerous enough to be visible in urine. Yet, when tested, RBCs are detected. (1) http://www....
Jack Frost's user avatar
4 votes

What's the mechanism of urinating?

The act of urination goes like this (Visible Body): Micturition, or urination, is the act of emptying the bladder. When the bladder is full of urine, stretch receptors in the bladder wall ...
Jan's user avatar
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2 votes

Is the Zimnitsky Urine Test used in the West at all? What tests are used instead?

So far, I could not find evidence that the Zimnitsky test is applied in exactly the same way in western countries. The urine specific gravity is a parameter that is assessed during urine analysis. ...
Arsak's user avatar
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How to deal with dehydrating medicine

Excessive urination (more than 3 liters of urine per day) is medically called polyuria. Causes include: Excessive drinking Taking diuretic pills Diabetes mellitus Diabetes insipidus due to various ...
Jan's user avatar
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1 vote

Different names for eGFR measurement

The eGFR is calculated differently based on several factors, including sex and race. So there are different calculation formulas based on male vs female, and African American vs Caucasian. There are ...
Risky_91's user avatar
1 vote

What's the mechanism of urinating?

There's no extra muscle involved - it's like squeezing an almost-empty toothpaste tube to get the last bits of toothpaste out.
JMP's user avatar
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Is the Zimnitsky Urine Test used in the West at all? What tests are used instead?

For diabetes, it is important to control glucose levels. This can easily be done (to a varying degree of accuracy) by checking the urine for glucose. Urine tests were once the main type of testing ...
Narusan's user avatar
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Sterile urine, but UTIs?

Urine is sterile when in the bladder. You have bacteria in the urethra (which goes from bladder to outside). When urinating, you usually wash out the patogens in the urethra, but some can still ...
Backup's user avatar
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What can cause foamy urine other than protein?

Source: Bel Marra Health Proteinuria: This is a condition in which protein is released in the urine in high amounts. Protein is normally released in the urine but in small amounts. When these ...
Laura's user avatar
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