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Can tacrolimus creme cause tacrolimus toxicity?

Yes, it is possible for topical Tacrolimus to cause systemic toxicity, in certain situations. Evidence from a case series This paper is a case report of two patients who were prescribed topical ...
Chris's user avatar
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How can one protect themselves from toxic substances released from fatty tissue during weight loss?

Alas, you cannot protect yourself from these toxic substances once they are in your body. Further, as currently phrased this question is awfully broad. We have managed to produce a gigantic amount of ...
LаngLаngС's user avatar
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Are arsenic levels in poultry a health concern?

Roxarsone has been banned by the FDA and in the EU, so if you live in either of them it's safe to assume that there was none of it in your turkey. Additionally, not all arsenic compounds are equally ...
Variax's user avatar
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Is modern toothpaste acually bad?

No. As asked "modern toothpaste" is very good for you. "Good" defined here as: Modern toothpaste is designed to help you keep a happy smile into old age with your natural teeth. It should help to keep ...
LаngLаngС's user avatar
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At what daily dose does daily aspirin use become dangerous for a long-term user?

Aspirin, just like all NDSAIDs, affects enzymes associated with pain transmission; they are COX-1 and COX-2 (cyclooxygenase-1 and 2). COX-1 helps protect the stomach and intestinal lining from the ...
BillDOe's user avatar
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Activated charcoal administered rectally?

Yes, activated Charcoal (AC) can be given rectally. Although this is a veterinary journal, I doubt the principles are different and according to this article it's given in a liquid slurry, much like ...
Carey Gregory's user avatar
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Are products used in dentistry tested for toxicity?

In the US, medical devices including those used in dentistry both for diagnostic equipment and for things like cement, amalgams, etc are regulated by the FDA. Presumably in other countries the ...
Bryan Krause's user avatar
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Toxicity of nicotine vs potassium cyanide

Most medical literature reports a similar level of toxicity between nicotine and cyanide - 50 mg for cyanide and 60 mg for nicotine as lethal doses. However, there is controversy over the true lethal ...
Forensic toxicologist's user avatar
3 votes

At what daily dose does daily aspirin use become dangerous for a long-term user?

Aspirin is a platelet inhibitor. As such it has a number of bleeding risks - including GI bleeding as described above. Risks also include increased bleeding risk from injury including cuts, bruising, ...
DoctorWhom's user avatar
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what is the mechanism through which TLR 7 agonist causes autoimmune disease?

There is a subtype of lupus called Drug induced lupus (DIL), as the name says certain drugs cause the signs and symptoms of lupus in susceptible individuals. The difference between DIL and normal ...
Bashi's user avatar
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At what daily dose does daily aspirin use become dangerous for a long-term user?

Commonly prescribed dose of aspirin for certain types of arthritis can be as high as 4 g/day ( For angina pectoris and heart attack prevention, even low doses (75-325 mg/day) can result in ...
Jan's user avatar
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Toxicity of Heated Honey

Surprisingly: yes, heating honey can be of a certain concern. The article linked to above is based on ayurvedic principles which do not compare well in their reasoning with modern scientific thinking: ...
LаngLаngС's user avatar
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Is Jicama root safe to eat every day?

There seems to be no study that would mention an association between peeled jicama root consumption and Parkinson's disease or any intoxication in humans. Rotenone can be found in jicama seeds, stems ...
Jan's user avatar
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Do synthetic fabrics pose a health risk?

Sources mentioned in the question (,, claim that certain synthetic fabrics and related chemicals can cause health problems: Polyester: skin, lung ...
Jan's user avatar
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Elderberry seeds toxicity

From your own link Although the ripe, cooked berries (pulp and skin) of most species of Sambucus are edible,[6][9][10] uncooked berries and other parts of plants from this genus are poisonous.[11] ...
Graham Chiu's user avatar
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How much of the following vitamins would result in a vitamin overdose?

Perhaps to emphasize the definition of vitamins: The vitamins are a disparate group of compounds; they have little in common either chemically or in their metabolic functions. Nutritionally, ...
User 25125's user avatar
1 vote

How much rice cakes is too much with regards to arsenic toxicity?

Found the answer. According to consumer reports it's too much. Got to find a replacement :-(
larry909's user avatar
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Permanent damage from anti-inflammatory

NSAIDs can also cause stomach ulcers, which may be fatal if left untreated. You can actually bleed to death.References:for ulcers:NCBIWebMDfor death:NCBIWebMD
BillDOe's user avatar
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Toxicity of carbon tetrachloride exaggerated?

Carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) is very toxic. It can cause both serious acute and chronic effects. The severity of effects depends on several factors such as: dose length of exposure frequency of ...
Lucky's user avatar
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Should I be worried about glyphosate exposure?

Glyphosphate is an organophosphate compound that is used a herbicide - it is generally aimed at inhibiting enzyme synthesis in plants. Generally, on oral intake from raw produce can produce toxicity, ...
Thomas's user avatar
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