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7 votes

I have natural immunity to Hepatitis B. Do I pose risk to others?

The Hepatitis B core antibody test is positive for IgG but negative for IgM indicating that you had the hepatitis B infection a while ago. The negative hepatitis B surface antigen test means that they ...
Graham Chiu's user avatar
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6 votes

Can superficial injury and exercise elevate AST and LDH levels?

Right now I can address the question on intensity, it seems that pushing things a bit too hard at the gym can cause elevated levels to trigger a detectable increase in AST and LDH, this is also ...
kenai's user avatar
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6 votes

Do compounds absorbed through the skin bypass the liver?

It seems that your friend has confused first-pass metabolism with overall liver metabolism. Anything that goes into your digestive tract (including the medicines taken (per)orally) goes straight to ...
Lucky's user avatar
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5 votes

How does alcoholism technically (chemically) kill you?

On the chemical level, the toxicity of ethanol is mainly mediated by its breakdown product acetaldehyde. Alcohol is metabolized like this: ethanol → acetaldehyde → acetate &...
Jan's user avatar
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4 votes

Effects of microdosing alcohol on liver performance and the ability to metabolize toxins

What are effects of microdosing alcohol on the liver's ability to metabolize toxins? There seems to be no effect. Alcohol can induce the enzyme system CYP2E1 in the liver, which can speed up the ...
Jan's user avatar
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4 votes

Tattoo on person with hepatitis b

A tattoo will be irrelevant to the person with Hep-B receiving it. The risks will be the same as anyone else receiving a tattoo, except of course that Hep-B won't be among those risks as it normally ...
Carey Gregory's user avatar
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3 votes

What are the likeliest causes for rising indirect bilirubin levels?

It is impossible to make a definite diagnosis based solely on the given data. But there are some likely options which should all be checked. Here are the possibilities and test which should be done to ...
Hinko Pih Pih's user avatar
3 votes

Is ethanol toxic to liver, in the absence of ethanol metabolites resulting from inhibiting alcohol dehydrogenase(ADH) enzyme?

Seems like you answered your own question. Lowering the threshold for intoxication lowers the threshold for toxicity. The likelihood of acute ethanol poisoning is increased by coadministering these ...
Brian Ó Maoláin's user avatar
3 votes

Does the liver produce less cholesterol if a person eats a lot of cholesterol?

"The net daily synthesis of cholesterol is equal to the amount of cholesterol lost in the feces minus the dietary cholesterol" The body synthesizes an amount approximately equal to the amount it ...
kit's user avatar
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3 votes

Can acute liver failure be caused by an alcohol binge?

Can acute liver failure be caused by an alcohol binge? Yes Are the harmful effects of alcohol on the liver limited to chronic abuse? No. The harmful effects of alcohol on the liver are ...
LаngLаngС's user avatar
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2 votes

Why liver damage from Isoniazid (medicine of TB) is more in Africans? What is it that make Caucasians more immune?

Firstly the causes of liver failure in those taking the drug (1): The cause of liver injury due to Isoniazid is believed to be accumulation of a toxic intermediate of its metabolism. Rates of injury ...
Jiminy Cricket.'s user avatar
2 votes

How many calories does it burn to regrow a liver?

To get the answers started, though admittedly with a very rough estimation, I'll add my own idea of a lower bound of calories burned to regrow an entire liver. Because basic laws of thermodynamics ...
TheEnvironmentalist's user avatar
2 votes

Why is treating hepatic vein injuries so difficult?

The part of the question about passive euthanasia is an ethical question, which in my opinion does not fit for Health.SE. From INJURY SEVERITY SCORING: a Hepatic avulsion, which is given with ...
bummi's user avatar
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2 votes

Is it safer to take Naproxen once a day or twice a day?

Naproxen has a half-life of between twelve and seventeen hours.1 Constant steady-state serum levels of Naproxen are produced after four to five days..1 It stands to reason that the lower the dose the ...
BillDOe's user avatar
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Quick way to determine if a medication is processed in the kidneys or liver? is a great resource. Go to the a Pro Edition header. Once you pull up the medication, scroll down until you find the Pharmacology Category. Once here, look for Metabolism and Elimination. ...
JKA99's user avatar
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2 votes

Does some ingredient in coffee actually help the liver break down fibrosis?

The conclusion of the mentioned systematic review with meta‐analysis: coffee consumption and the risk of cirrhosis (Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics, 2016): This meta‐analysis suggests ...
Jan's user avatar
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2 votes

Can the liver not recover from cirrhosis caused by alcohol related damage?

At present time, hepatic cirrhosis is still an irreversible end stage chronic disease (Johnson and Sherding, 2006). In a nutshell its featured by successive cycles of injury/repair and inflammation ...
program's user avatar
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Could a living donor donate their liver multiple times in their lifetime?

Liver donation - an act of great honor - should only be done once. Liver regeneration occurs via compensatory hyperplasia. Regeneration of the liver can be more correctly defined as compensatory ...
Andrew's user avatar
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2 votes

How long after drinking alcohol is it safe to eat durian again?

This inability to mix durian with alcohol has the status of a food myth. To quote the dietetic department at Changi Hospital Eating durian and drinking beer at the same time may kill you There is no ...
Graham Chiu's user avatar
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1 vote

How many people are affected by hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) worldwide today?

1) Global incidence for HCC, 2018: What is the global incidence of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) worldwide? (Medscape, 2019): Worldwide, liver cancer was the fifth most common cancer and the ...
Jan's user avatar
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