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6 votes

Does vitamin D supplementation fully replace sun exposure to avoid vitamin D insufficiency?

Nicely, sunlight is best. While we are still not knowing nearly enough concerning all the details, that's a safe bet. Even the supplement lobby acknowledges that: Despite the increased risk of non-...
LаngLаngС's user avatar
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6 votes

How much Vitamin D does the body produce if you're out for a whole summer day?

Vitamin D is produced in the skin by UV irradiation of 7-dehydrocholesterol. But vitamin D in the skin is also broken down by UV irradiation and this leads to a maximum equilibrium level of vitamin D ...
Count Iblis's user avatar
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Is there an objective answer to whether or not taking a multi-vitamin dietary supplement is beneficial to health?

Is there an objective answer to whether or not taking a multi-vitamin dietary supplement is beneficial to health? No, there is not. If you dig into the existing research, unless you are looking to ...
Jason C's user avatar
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6 votes

Is there a relationship between vitamin D levels and cholesterol?

According to a couple of systematic reviews of studies, there is insufficient evidence about the lowering effect of vitamin D on blood cholesterol levels. Vitamin D, Evidence Mayo Clinic (data from ...
Jan's user avatar
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6 votes

Can effervescent multivitamin tablets cause teeth problems?

Couldn't find any articles directly looking at effervescent tablets and dental problems, so I took a more broad look and searched for citric acid's effect on teeth. The combination of citric acid and ...
TheChinBurglar's user avatar
6 votes

Optimum / limit daily dose of Vitamin C?

Here are few aspects of high-dose vitamin C supplements. The upper limit(UL) 2,000 mg for vitamin C is not some sort of recommendation, but a dose, which, if exceeded, can cause nausea and diarrhea, ...
Jan's user avatar
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5 votes

Vitamin supplements with a balanced diet

Vitamins and minerals from foods an supplements taken simultaneously can be absorbed normally, because their absorption is usually not regulated by the amounts you take. However, the absorption of ...
Jan's user avatar
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5 votes

How much Vitamin A is in 1g of Fish Oil?

According to USDA Food Composition Database, 1 gram (or even 100 grams) of fish oil from sardines, herring, salmon and menhaden contains 0 (zero) μg vitamin A. Tolerable Upper Intake Levels for ...
Jan's user avatar
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5 votes

Excluding individuals that do not lack nutrients: What limits the quality of multivitamins, and how to address it?

what's the cause of multivitamins' ineffectiveness? Multivitamins are ineffective because in ordinary people with an ordinary diet, there isn't any deficiency to correct. The evidence for this is ...
Bryan Krause's user avatar
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4 votes

What is alkaline food's actual impact on internal ph regulation?

Yes, there is evidence that alkaline food affects internal pH, but it is important to note that the regulation of internal pH (acid-base homeostatis) has other contributing factors, which is why the ...
bluenote10's user avatar
4 votes

Does one absorb more nutrients from juices than the whole fruit?

This might be true for some substances and false for others. For example, might be true for beta-carotene: Soluble fiber may inhibit ß-carotene absorption; therefore, consumption of juice may ...
Grzegorz Adam Kowalski's user avatar
4 votes

Supplements: When and how to take them to maximize absorption

To get the most of your vitamins/minerals is quite simple, really. There are two types of soluble vitamins/minerals: Water-soluble Fat-soluble Absorption of water-soluble vitamins is quite easy, ...
Othya's user avatar
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4 votes

Is there an objective answer to whether or not taking a multi-vitamin dietary supplement is beneficial to health?

In a perfect world, no, a multivitamin wouldn't be needed. However, even with high intake of fruits and vegetables, you have to consider micronutrient degradation in fresh fruits that you buy in the ...
Milo Martinovich's user avatar
4 votes

Are synthetic vitamins harmful?

Without providing links to any of these claims, it's not really possible to say anything about them. If these "synthetic vitamins" are different than normal vitamins, sure, they could potentially have ...
Stephen B.'s user avatar
4 votes

Understanding google's nutrition chart

The chart says that 100 grams of chickpeas have 364 calories, and 6 grams of total fat. It also tells you that the 6 grams of total fat is 9% of the "daily recommended value" for fat: this ...
Bryan Krause's user avatar
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3 votes

What vitamins or dietary supplements for internal taking are useful for injured skin?

The process of wound healing is extremely complex and combines several processes that occur after the injury. According to 'Bioengineering In Wound Healing: A Systems Approach,' These processes ...
Taylor's user avatar
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Can I use take pills to prevent micronutrient deficiencies and not worry about my diet too much?

The biggest issue with using supplements instead of food is that studies don't always measure what they think they're measuring. A lot of near-magical powers were ascribed to Vitamin C, for example, ...
Kate Gregory's user avatar
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How to ingest vitamin C for patients after a gastric surgery?

If post gastric bypass patients can eat solid food they can eat soft fruit. And before that they can puree food with fruit juices. As for supplements, vitamin tablets are recommended for most ...
Graham Chiu's user avatar
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Would putting vitamin pills in a blender alter their effectiveness?

Only a study in which someone would put different vitamins in a blender and measure the eventual changes in their activities could answer this question. Everything else is just a guess or estimation. ...
Jan's user avatar
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Does boiling milk really make the nutrients in it less useful to the body when ingesting it?

In short: Cooking milk has probably only a minor effect on its nutritional value. MICRONUTRIENTS: According to USDA Table of Nutrient Retention Factors (p. 5), in milk heated for 10 minutes, the ...
Jan's user avatar
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Are synthetic vitamins harmful?

In general, for healthy non-pregnant individuals, synthetic vitamins are: Unnecessary, until you have a balanced mixed diet Less efficient than vitamins naturally present in foods, because they do ...
Jan's user avatar
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Should antioxidants such as turmeric, resveratrol, glutathione, etc. be taken at bedtime, and if so, what explains it?

This question has an implicit claim in it: that taking antioxidants is effective in the first place. As that is very much in doubt now from the start, it explains very well why there is no consensus ...
LаngLаngС's user avatar
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Is vitamin B12 in supplements protected from stomach acid?

I haven't found any source that would claim that a normal level of haptocorrin in saliva is a limiting factor for the absorption of vitamin B12 from supplements. On the other hand, haptocorrin ...
Jan's user avatar
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3 votes

How much Vitamin A is in 1g of Fish Oil?

Vitamin A is an important Vitamin in my opinion. See, importance for Children 6-59 months So age is a consideration. Here is the Pauling ...
Gordon's user avatar
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Can (mal)nutrition cause muscle twitches?

Muscle twitches (fasciculations) caused by malnutrition are usually (not always) associated with muscle cramps. Malnutrition-related causes of twitches include severely insufficient nutrient intake (...
Jan's user avatar
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2 votes

Do vitamins protect you from common cold?

Research results are somewhat inconsistent but generally seem to be unfavorable to vitamins alone (in contrast to vitamins in combination with other things). From "Prevention and treatment of the ...
Grzegorz Adam Kowalski's user avatar
2 votes

Vitamin B food source

The best are deactivated yeast or the extract and Sunflower seeds(Source USDA) Other choices(Source USDA) but not limited to; include ...
HerbalResearcher's user avatar
2 votes

Vitamin B food source

Here on Nutrients Review you have lists of foods high in individual vitamins B. Here on US Department of Agriculture (USDA) are more detailed lists of foods high in individual vitamins and other ...
Jan's user avatar
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2 votes

Are there any known health risks with taking megadoses of beta carotene?

Drawing on my previous answer about Vitamin A risks, the only known risk of large doses of carotenoids is an increased risk of lung cancer if you smoke or work with asbestos.
Mark's user avatar
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Are fizzy "Effervescnt C" drinks any better than Vitamin C pills?

Effervescent pills have the advantage that since you ingest the active compount already dissolved the absorption rate is generally faster than for normal pills. This is useful when you need the drug ...
Variax's user avatar
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