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9 votes

How much body fluid required to actually transmit a sexually transmitted disease (STD)?

To get even close to how much bacteria there are in vaginal discharge and penile discharge, we look at how are they diagnosed/detected laboratory wise. Gonorrhea is caused by Neisseria gonorrhea a ...
kit's user avatar
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8 votes

STI vs STD vs Sexually Transmitted Virus

Short Answer HIV is a virus and when the HIV virus has invaded the body it becomes an infection (specifically an STI only if and when transmitted through sexual contact). Whilst the terms STI and ...
Chris Rogers's user avatar
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6 votes

Which is the average infection rate of STDs via oral sex?

Probably the best evidence around this is for HIV, which is neatly summarised in table 2 of the BASHH (British Association for Sexual Health and HIV) guidelines, where the risk for insertive or ...
Michael's user avatar
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How does someone get an STI if it has to be transmitted in the first place?

How are STIs different from other pathogens? STIs are infections of pathogens that either live in the genital area and/or exist in body fluids and also usually don't get transmitted in simpler ways ...
Bryan Krause's user avatar
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6 votes

Chance of getting sexual transmitted diseases

Assuming that we are talking about the risk of having intercourse one time under the conditions you described, and assuming you do not know if your male partner had an STD, and provided your partner ...
Mark D Worthen PsyD's user avatar
6 votes

Having sex with someone who's had many sexual partners,

This is a very good and important question, not only for you but for other people as well. As people have said in the comments, YES it can be potentially dangerous to have unprotected sexual ...
Tami's user avatar
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Wearing condom during fellatio,

You can get Genital Herpes from someone licking your scrotum and there is no protection from Genital Herpes with condoms anyway as they don't cover the scrotum. With oral sex, the risk is only there ...
Chris Rogers's user avatar
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STI vs STD vs Sexually Transmitted Virus

STI = sexually transmitted infection STD = sexually transmitted disease Strictly speaking, not all STIs are STDs. Infection merely means the presence of the microbes in the body and if it does not ...
Jan's user avatar
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Why is HIV singled out from other STIs?

Question: If HIV is an STI, then why is HIV often listed separately, for example: HIV & Sexually Transmitted Infections Fact sheet STDs and HIV – CDC Fact Sheet What You Need To Know About the ...
Jan's user avatar
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Why is HIV singled out from other STIs?

This is a good question, and although as you correctly state that HIV is an STI (see STI vs STD vs Sexually Transmitted Virus?) there is a difference with HIV which is one reason why it may be ...
Chris Rogers's user avatar
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3 votes

Risk of transmitting HSV1 on mouth to someone else during oral sex

I think this question is primarily based on a misconception about the nature of oral and genital infections with HSV-1 and HSV-2 in the modern day. HSV-1 is sometimes described as an oral herpes virus....
Bryan Krause's user avatar
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3 votes

I've unprotected acceptive oral sex with 3 partners, two of which were from escort service. What are my chances to get some desease(s)?

I would encourage you to get seen by a healthcare professional for testing/advice. This could be from your family doctor or at a walk-in clinic. There might also be a sexual health center near you ...
user10898's user avatar
2 votes

Why is HIV singled out from other STIs?

From a rigorous scientific viewpoint, it at first makes indeed not much sense to list STIs and HIV separately. HIV is a virus that once it is in your body and you have antibodies developed will have ...
LаngLаngС's user avatar
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Why is Candida Albicans not regarded as an STI if it can be passed back and forth during intercourse?

Although Candida Albicans can be transmitted sexually, generally it is developed without sexual contact. WebMD gives the following details Normally, a type of bacteria called Lactobacillus keeps the ...
Chris Rogers's user avatar
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1 vote

What's the difference between oral and genital herpes?

Type 1 and type 2 are different viruses and once you have a herpes infection, you will always have the infection as it is lifelong (WHO, 2020). Infection with herpes simplex virus, commonly known as ...
Chris Rogers's user avatar
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How improbably is an HSV-2 positive test to be caused by an 'ear infection'?

Herpes simplex virus (HSV) Herpes simplex virus (HSV) is a common infection that causes painful blisters or ulcers. It primarily spreads by skin-to-skin contact. It is treatable but not curable. There ...
Chris's user avatar
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