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9 votes

How much body fluid required to actually transmit a sexually transmitted disease (STD)?

To get even close to how much bacteria there are in vaginal discharge and penile discharge, we look at how are they diagnosed/detected laboratory wise. Gonorrhea is caused by Neisseria gonorrhea a ...
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8 votes

STI vs STD vs Sexually Transmitted Virus

Short Answer HIV is a virus and when the HIV virus has invaded the body it becomes an infection (specifically an STI only if and when transmitted through sexual contact). Whilst the terms STI and ...
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4 votes

STI vs STD vs Sexually Transmitted Virus

STI = sexually transmitted infection STD = sexually transmitted disease Strictly speaking, not all STIs are STDs. Infection merely means the presence of the microbes in the body and if it does not ...
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What's the difference between oral and genital herpes?

Type 1 and type 2 are different viruses and once you have a herpes infection, you will always have the infection as it is lifelong (WHO, 2020). Infection with herpes simplex virus, commonly known as ...
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