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8 votes

How does the rare cancer mucinous carcinoma respond to radiotherapy?

A retrospective cohort study by Mo et al published in 2022 concluded the following: Among women with T1-2N0M0 (tumor size ≤ 3 cm) pure mucinous breast cancer, the addition of radiotherapy after ...
Chris's user avatar
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Detecting a medical emergency based on the symptoms the patient presents

Taking the question as written, no there are not standard rules that universally apply. Actually determining whether someone has a medical emergency is based on assessment by a clinician, which will ...
Michael's user avatar
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7 votes

How does the rare cancer mucinous carcinoma respond to radiotherapy?

In addition to Chris's answer. I see the following article in Pubmed: Di Saverio S, Gutierrez J, Avisar E. A retrospective review with long term follow up of 11,400 cases of pure mucinous breast ...
bob1's user avatar
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5 votes

Machine learning for medical image scanning

Commonly used diagnostic imaging methods are: Ultrasonography X-ray Computed tomography (CT) Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) Scintigraphy or radionuclide scan (injecting a radioactive tracer into a ...
Jan's user avatar
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4 votes

What factors besides age and genetics influence the prevalence of Alzheimer's?

How about this list from the Alzheimer Society of Canada? It differentiates between modifiable and non-modifiable risk factors and goes on to explain how and why which risk factors are risk factors. ...
Narusan's user avatar
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4 votes

What is the quantitative relationship between free T4 and TSH?

The relation between TSH and free T4 is bidirectional and complex [1–4]. TSH stimulates the secretion of T4 from the thyroid gland. Immediately after being released into the bloodstream the vast ...
jwdietrich's user avatar
4 votes

Is Kiwi low or high fructose?

According to NutritionData (data from US Department of Agriculture -, 100 g of kiwi fruit contains 4.4 g fructose and 4.1 g glucose. The site in the question lists kiwi as high ...
Jan's user avatar
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4 votes

Why are the majority of patients with Edwards Syndrome females?

According to this article, the ratio of affected females/males differs when you look at liveborn or prenatal infants, which indicates a prenatal selection against males (i.e. more males are ...
Arsak's user avatar
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3 votes

What data supports the safety of COVID-19 mRNA vaccines for women of childbearing age?

Clinical Trials Initial safety data comes from the pre-approval clinical trials, as summarized by Male (2021): Note that pregnant women were not enrolled in the trials, and participants were asked to ...
Arnon Weinberg's user avatar
3 votes

Example Public Data in FHIR Format

Large artificial dataset There is a large synthetic dataset of fake electronic health records available at Synthetic Mass. It's not a real dataset, but it's supposed to mirror many of the properties ...
Ian Campbell's user avatar
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Is it possible to meassure anxiety/stress via data collected from smart watches for a whole region?

Tiwari et al, 2019 found poor sensitivity and specificity for detecting stress using multiple features from a fitness watch: sensitivity 0.53, specificity 0.56, and similarly poor for anxiety: ...
Bryan Krause's user avatar
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3 votes

Database with diseases and symptoms?

There's an App call Ada. It's only available for iOS. It's an IA based bot that ask you about your symptoms and gives you a diagnostic. It was pretty accurate with some regular illnesses. It's much ...
holyknight's user avatar
3 votes

How can I quickly know whether a medical treatment is supported by evidence?

A quick way to know if a certain treatment method is supported by scientific evidence without asking a physician is to check some free and easy-to-read evidence-based medical articles on sites like: ...
Jan's user avatar
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2 votes

What factors besides age and genetics influence the prevalence of Alzheimer's?

This Medscape article July 29, 2023 projected an actual count of AD cases in Chicago to the entire US population by race and suggested that In addition to older age, what’s likely driving elevated AD ...
Dalton Bentley's user avatar
2 votes

Did the NIH study find Moderna - Moderna gave more antibodies than Moderna-Pfizer?

TLDR: in the actual paper/preprint, neither for the raw antibody values nor for the ratio relative to day 1 is there a statistically significant difference between Moderna-after-Moderna and Pfzier-...
got trolled too much this week's user avatar
1 vote

Where can I find an up-to-date checklist for HIPAA compliance (extra points for newbie friendly ones)?

Here are a few suggestions I think might help: Official Resources The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services offers detailed HIPAA compliance tools, tailored for both beginners and ...
Dale Moss's user avatar
1 vote

COVID-19 data sets with patient-level demographic information (e.g. age)

This question in opendata.SE has answers that might help. There are three answers at the time of writing Anthem XPRIZE Github large dataset South Korean data
Marcus D's user avatar
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Machine learning for medical image scanning

I would like to make a recommendation, as a researcher also working in medical imaging. You state that you are interested in predicting lesion diameter, patient gender, and patient age from the scans. ...
veritessa's user avatar
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1 vote

Database with diseases and symptoms?

There are quite some symptom checkers available - this one seems to perform well in benchmarks and allows free text input:
lordy's user avatar
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