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9 votes
1 answer

How were Penicillin F, G, X and K letters chosen, etymologically?

Plenty of articles from around 1945 describe how multiple penicillin had been purified from Penicillium strains, and that these were named F, G, X and K in the USA, and I, II, III, IV in Britain, see ...
BipedalJoe's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

Are there any verified cases of patients that stopped wearing prescription glasses due to a spontaneous remission of a visual impairment?

I would like to know if there are medically verified records of individuals prescribed with eyeglasses for years, who eventually experienced a spontaneous remission of their visual impairments, ...
user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

How sophisticated were efforts to track the spread of past pandemics for public information?

I am currently inquiring into the COVID Tracking Project for a first-year university course. I would like to give some historical context, i.e. past attempts at pandemic tracking. Searching the web ...
Micah's user avatar
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13 votes
3 answers

Was there ever a vaccine candidate that showed negative side effects many months or years after the patient was injected?

The current prognosis for a COVID-19 vaccine to become available is "12-18 months" and a big part of the reason for such a long timeline is the fact that scientists want to ensure that the vaccine is ...
JonathanReez's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

Was it a lab accident or something else that re-released H1N1 in 1977?

In the highly cited 2006 review of Taubenberger and Morens it is mentioned that: The impact of this pandemic was not limited to 1918–1919. All influenza A pandemics since that time, and indeed ...
got trolled too much this week's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

What is 'Rising of the lights' as a death?

In a reddit post showing the 'Causes of death of london in 1632' Theres a few causes that seem weird. But the one the caught my attention is 'Rising of the lights'. The best I've seen is that Lights =...
Fredy31's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

In what time frame exactly was the 2009 H1N1 fatality rate overestimated?

I've read that "It's good to remember that when H1N1 influenza came out in 2009, estimates of case fatality were 10 per cent," said David Fisman, an epidemiologist at the University of ...
got trolled too much this week's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Hitler's physician Morrel prescribed a drug that contained e. coli -- was this unusual in those days?

It is my understanding that Hitler's physician, T. Morell, who was essentially a "feel good" like Max Jacobson (although maybe still acting within accepted practice in the days when powerful drugs ...
releseabe's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

How feasible is the discovery of the organ „interstitium“ (opposed to it just being interstitial space)?

A study published on March 27th in Nature by researchers from the New York Univeristy‘s School Of Medicine postulates an entirely new organ, the interstitium, basically a fluid/tissue system that is ...
Narusan's user avatar
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10 votes
1 answer

Whatever happened to Tonsillitis?

70 or so years ago, kids all got their tonsils out. I have a family member who, when perfectly healthy, had them out (75 or more years ago) because his twin was having his out, and it would be too ...
Kate Gregory's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Awkward: TWINS, but from DIFFERENT DADS? How rare is heteropaternal superfecundation (statistics)?

This is not a Jerry Springer headline -- despite all the sizzling, implicit drama involved -- heteropaternal superfecundation is a fertilization term when a woman is successfully impregnated by ...
Butterfly and Bones's user avatar
2 votes
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When did the physicians realize that knowledge of internal anatomy can help in healing the patient?

When did the physicians realize that knowledge of internal anatomy can help in healing the patient? I know that human dissections were rare until 15-16c. But there were earlier cultures like the ...
Kiril Mladenov's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

What disease/s killed Mozart? Or was it poison? [closed]

Have scholars since determined Mozart's cause of death? I know that there has been a swirl of mystery surrounding his death and for quite sometime poisoning by certain communities was blamed as the ...
Pills N Pillows's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

When was congenital-analgesia (aka congenital insensitivity to pain), the inability to feel pain, clinically documented? How rare?

When was congenital-analgesia (aka congenital insensitivity to pain), the inability to feel pain, clinically documented? How rare is it really? Is it hereditary? Or just a sporadic fluke mutation? ...
Pills N Pillows's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Were the Salem Witch Trials caused by sociopaths, ergotism, hallucinations, or mass hysteria?

In the spirit of Halloween, I'm thinking of the medical reasons that contributed to the Salem Witch Trials? Was it caused by sociopaths, or classic food poisoning -- ergotism -- or mass hysteria or ...
Butterfly and Bones's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

What is a good reference for the history of medicine?

I am researching the history of human civilization starting in the paleolithic period onward. I am looking for a reference on the history of medicine-- hopefully starting with our first attempts at ...
Steve Ar's user avatar
0 votes
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How did the misconception about tendinopathies being a largely inflammatory condition appear?

As (1) reminds us, tendinopathies were commonly misdiagnosed as having a largely inflammatory condition before ~2005-2010. How did this myth appear in the first place? (1) Bhopal, Raj. "Time to ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
-2 votes
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Were earwigs historically used as a medication?

I have read that people used to use powdered earwig as a cure for ear infections. Is this claim true? What are the details of this practice?
Doc17's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

What did people do before the discovery of blood groups? [closed]

Today, we transfer our blood easily as we know our blood group. But what did people do before that discovery (in 1901 by Karl Landsteiner, then independently in 1906 by Jan Jansky and 1910 by William ...
Fazla Rabbi Mashrur's user avatar
4 votes
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In which version of the ICD was homosexuality classified as a disease?

In Wikipedia article it is said, that in ICD-9 homosexuality was listed as a disease and that it was removed from there in ICD-10. From third party sources, I knew, that homosexuality was listed ...
Dims's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

When was brain cancer first discovered?

Does anyone know: In which year was the first brain tumor discovered?
Mahdi Jazini's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How was penicillin discovered, and was the use of it immediately realised? [closed]

I am interested in exactly how penicillin was discovered, and did they realise what it does immediately? I would also like to know how quickly it became a prescribed treatment, and which country ...
Tim's user avatar
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