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Questions tagged [history]

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5 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Are there any verified cases of patients that stopped wearing prescription glasses due to a spontaneous remission of a visual impairment?

I would like to know if there are medically verified records of individuals prescribed with eyeglasses for years, who eventually experienced a spontaneous remission of their visual impairments, ...
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When did the physicians realize that knowledge of internal anatomy can help in healing the patient?

When did the physicians realize that knowledge of internal anatomy can help in healing the patient? I know that human dissections were rare until 15-16c. But there were earlier cultures like the ...
Kiril Mladenov's user avatar
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Were the Salem Witch Trials caused by sociopaths, ergotism, hallucinations, or mass hysteria?

In the spirit of Halloween, I'm thinking of the medical reasons that contributed to the Salem Witch Trials? Was it caused by sociopaths, or classic food poisoning -- ergotism -- or mass hysteria or ...
Butterfly and Bones's user avatar
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What is a good reference for the history of medicine?

I am researching the history of human civilization starting in the paleolithic period onward. I am looking for a reference on the history of medicine-- hopefully starting with our first attempts at ...
Steve Ar's user avatar
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How did the misconception about tendinopathies being a largely inflammatory condition appear?

As (1) reminds us, tendinopathies were commonly misdiagnosed as having a largely inflammatory condition before ~2005-2010. How did this myth appear in the first place? (1) Bhopal, Raj. "Time to ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar