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7 votes

Is it safe to drink Monster Energy (or any energy drink) after paracetamol?

The question appears to be motivated by headlines similar to this Mixing large doses of both acetaminophen painkiller and caffeine may increase risk of liver damage where it states WASHINGTON, Sept. ...
Graham Chiu's user avatar
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5 votes

Use of injection containing both insulin and glucose

Glucose and insulin could co-exist in the same container without reacting. Intravenous insulin has been used to treat hyperglycemia. There is a risk of severe hypoglycemia and even death after ...
Jan's user avatar
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3 votes

What is the minimum energy needed to stay alive?

Resting energy The number you are looking for is basically the energy the body needs in a resting state. When resting, we assume that no energy is used for any actions but vital ones, as the body is ...
Narusan's user avatar
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2 votes

What is the minimum energy needed to stay alive?

It sounds like what you are looking for is the basal metabolic rate, which is the rate that you expend energy at rest, which roughly translates to the minimum rate that you need to consume energy in ...
Jason C's user avatar
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Effects of Modafinil

You're asking for subjective opinion, so that's what you're going to get. I've taken it a few times and here are my answers to your questions: Mentally alert and awake. A mental energy boost, yes. ...
Carey Gregory's user avatar
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How many calories does it burn to regrow a liver?

To get the answers started, though admittedly with a very rough estimation, I'll add my own idea of a lower bound of calories burned to regrow an entire liver. Because basic laws of thermodynamics ...
TheEnvironmentalist's user avatar
2 votes

How long does it take for iron supplements to start improving energy levels? Is it instant or gradual?

Ferritin levels of 21 ug/L are on the extreme lower edge of the normal range. You can think about iron stores as follows. A healthy person will have iron stores of a few grams. Since iron is present ...
Count Iblis's user avatar
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2 votes

Energy value from food: is it the maximum avail?

Simplified from CALCULATION OF THE ENERGY CONTENT OF FOODS - ENERGY CONVERSION FACTORS ( Food energy can be: Combustible or ingested energy = theoretical maximum energy content of a food ...
Jan's user avatar
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1 vote

How is adipose tissue synthesized?

The amount of carbohydrate which we intake determine the activity of various enzymes involved in this glycolysis and lipogenesis. And high carbohydrate diet directly activates the genes responsible ...
Twinkle Sheen's user avatar
1 vote

Energy value from food: is it the maximum avail?

The definition of a Calorie (Note the big C, a food calorie is actually a kilocalorie, or 1000 small calories) is simply the amount of heat necessary to raise the temperature of 1 kilogram of water 1 ...
JohnP's user avatar
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Are afternoon naps healthy?

There is a reason you get tired after eating - It's due to a portion of your blood in your body moving to your gut and bowel, leaving less for the rest of your body (brain, muscles etc) and slowing ...
G.Bruce's user avatar
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