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8 votes

How far away from a highway should I live to avoid negative health effects?

To answer this question you would need to find the source of the information. I found the study mentioned in the article in the Toronto Star (Chen, et al. 2017); and while studying risks of dementia, ...
Chris Rogers's user avatar
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5 votes

How do you filter out Benzene?

VOCs are one of the most prevalent indoor air pollutants. They are released by many common materials, from foams to carpets to paints. House air circulation is not very conducive to adequate ...
DoctorWhom's user avatar
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4 votes

How far away from a highway should I live to avoid negative health effects?

There are many factors to consider. The pollution level (and risk) depends on at least the following: typical wind direction during rush hour density of trees between you and the road elevation ...
Terrance38's user avatar
3 votes

Do surgical masks effectively protect me against passive smoking and off-gases from cars?

Keep in mind that surgical masks are designed primarily to protect the patient from the surgical staff, not the other way around. They prevent aerosols exhaled by the surgeons and nurses from ...
Carey Gregory's user avatar
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3 votes

Are aluminum profiles dangerous?

General rule of thumb: Reduce the amount of dirt and dust in the air you breathe. This question does currently not specify if those profiles are just handled and assembled in a bedroom. That should ...
LаngLаngС's user avatar
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3 votes

Alternatives other than face-mask-respirators for protection against COVID-19

Those are face shields to prevent primarily droplets reaching the eyes, and are worn as being more comfortable than goggles to protect the mucous membranes of the eyes, and they don't fog up like ...
Graham Chiu's user avatar
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2 votes

Which is more harmful, high CO2 indoor or PM2.5 outdoor

Given the levels you're describing, I'd stay inside, but it's a close call. Pulling up a random Carbon Dioxide Safety Data Sheet, the long-term exposure limit for carbon dioxide is 5000 parts per ...
Mark's user avatar
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2 votes

Would an operating theater ringed with green plants increase infection risk or reduce it?

Perhaps a good idea for separate lobbies or waiting rooms, but definitely not for operating suites or patient care areas. Plants use CO2 and release O2, which is good. They also do filter VOCs (...
DoctorWhom's user avatar
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1 vote

How healthy are hands-free stenomasks?

With the COVID-19 pandemic some new attention has come to mask wearing pressure injuries. On a very general level, pressure injuries happen mostly to immobilized patients or those with sensitive skin, ...
Thomas's user avatar
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