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5 votes

Is 2nd hand smoking worse than 1st hand smoking

TL;DR Yes, if one was to inhale the same amount of smoke passively as smokers inhale actively, it would be more dangerous. This is hardly the case though, as smokers also inhale parts of second hand ...
Narusan's user avatar
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4 votes

Quantify third-hand smoke exposure risk

The following are studies which indicate cancer risks from third hand tobacco smoke which to me seems non-ambiguous. Sleiman, M., Logue, J. M., Luo, W., Pankow, J. F., Gundel, L. A., & ...
Chris Rogers's user avatar
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3 votes

Do surgical masks effectively protect me against passive smoking and off-gases from cars?

Keep in mind that surgical masks are designed primarily to protect the patient from the surgical staff, not the other way around. They prevent aerosols exhaled by the surgeons and nurses from ...
Carey Gregory's user avatar
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How much risk am I taking by joining my coworkers for smoke breaks?

Your question has no correct answer. It is up to take the pain for a gain. What I would do is look for other times when I can build rapports. However, studies show that non-smokers exposed to second-...
Yesh's user avatar
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2 votes

To what extend can passive smoking be dangerous?

Yes, passive smoking can induce an asthmatic attack and, depending on duration of exposure, harm your lungs. There is also a publication in NEJM from 1999 (
Schleifer Grigorij's user avatar
1 vote

Gas from cigarette smoke

The answer to your question is thirdhand smoking (THS): From the American Nonsmoker's Right Foundation (ANRF), "Thirdhand smoke consists of the tobacco residue from cigarettes, cigars, and other ...
Testerx's user avatar
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