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Questions tagged [saliva]

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2 answers

If a rabid wolf bites your head and you have recently been vaccinated against rabies, will you still develop the disease?

I have read that if a large rabid animal bites your head, the post-exposure treatment can be ineffective: ...a bite near the head will make the disease act too fast for the treatment to take effect....
Radu Stefan's user avatar
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Safe way to increase salivation at night/during sleep

While sleeping salivation is usually decreased. If you are sleeping and have a blocked nasal tract (rhinitis, allergies) or just an open mouth you further dry out your mouth. Other causes might also ...
LаngLаngС's user avatar
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Can I continue to eat a cereal my cat ate out of?

So this morning I eating cereal (lucky charms) and the batteries to my remote were running low so I went to go change them, leaving my cereal in my room. When I came back my kitten around 3 or 4 ...
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Mammals instinctively lick their wounds. There are benefits and risks. If your immune system is healthy, is it wise to lick your wounds?

Wikipedia writes: Wound licking is an instinctive response in humans and many other animals to lick an injury. Dogs, cats, small rodents and primates all lick wounds.[1] Saliva contains tissue ...
unforgettableidSupportsMonica's user avatar
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Why saliva comes out of my mouth during sleeping?

Why saliva comes out of my mouth during sleeping ? Usually saliva does not disturbs me but, I am disturbed due do to saliva during sleeping.
Student28's user avatar
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Does the saliva of a person just recovered from an infectious disease help to cure another persons having the same disease?

I have always had this 'weird' thought (But could never quite test it...). Would the saliva contain antibodies, or other immuno-boosting substances that can help fight off the same pathogen in another ...
y chung's user avatar
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Metallic taste and excessive salivation before vomiting

Is it normal to salivate profusely and have a strong bloody metalic taste before vomiting? This is coupled with orange yellow liquid vomit that also seems to have clear mucus mixed in. This is after ...
Tommy Woldt's user avatar
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Is saliva safe as a sexual lubricant for male masturbation?

I normally masturbate by licking my hand and using the saliva as a lube, because I'm circumcised and the thrusting motion I actually don't like—it can tear my penis skin since it's too tense. Is ...
Santropedro's user avatar
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How to treat Dry-Mouth (side-effect of medication)? [closed]

Dr. prescribed medication that he noted had a common side-effect of dry-mouth. Sure enough, it's a common side-effect!! Even though I drink water like a fish, my mouth was still like the Sahara. I ...
Pills N Pillows's user avatar
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Testing pH levels through urine or saliva

I am attempting to discover the role of pH in contributing to my mysteriously fluctuating chronic symptoms, including small and large intestine problems (apparent Candida, SIBO, etc.), male ...
user3694's user avatar
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Is the spit test for candida legitimate?

My friend sent me a test to determine if one has too much candida. I called her gullible and she got mad and sent me several other sites which amounted to the same thing, like http://www....
Chloe's user avatar
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How to prevent sialolithiasis (salivary gland stones) from re-occurring [closed]

Sialolithiasis is a condition where stones (calculi) form in the salivary glands or ducts, blocking the saliva from coming out. I recently had two stones surgically removed from the beginning of the ...
geometrikal's user avatar