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Questions tagged [dentistry]

Questions related to disorders/diseases of the teeth and gums, including questions about prevention of dental health issues or dental procedures.

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Does the lactic acid in yogurt hurt the enamel of teeth?

I got seemingly contradicting messages concerning the impact of lactic acid from yogurt on teeth From this article Balances PH levels in the mouth – The types of bacteria that can cause dental ...
taylor's user avatar
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What are the downsides, if any, of using a toothpaste with a high sodium fluoride concentration?

Assume a male adult, which excludes fluorosis development and pregnancy. What are the downsides, if any, of using a toothpaste with a high sodium fluoride concentration (e.g., sodium fluoride 1.1 per ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
2 votes
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Should you use mouthwash after sugary food

Brushing your teeth after eating sugary foods can damage your teeth and you should wait at least an hour after. For example, take this quote from a paper on "Sugar-Sweetened Beverages": ...
joshlk's user avatar
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5 votes
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Why are the radiation doses of dental CBCT scan in mGy/cm2 rather than microsievert?

I asked my dentist the radiation dose of a CBCT scan and the machine gives the data in mGy/cm2. I was rather used to interpret radiation doses in micro-Sivert because this unit takes into account the ...
huurd's user avatar
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Why doesn’t pain return after a tooth extraction once the local anesthesia wears off?

Tooth extraction involves removing a tooth from its socket, which can create a hole in the gum and jawbone and potentially cause pain. Local anesthesia is used during the procedure to numb the area ...
Stephen Cook's user avatar
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Could you use thread instead of dental floss?

Is there a reason why someone without money can't use regular fabric thread in a spool as dental floss? Wouldn't this be a better environmental material?
heretoinfinity's user avatar
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What is the role of calcium in the enamel heremineralization process?

From a very brief reading of Wikipedia, I can understand that: Enamel is made up mostly of Hydroxyapatite Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2, which in the process of demineralization undergoes some chemical ...
Likepineapple's user avatar
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Which of Colgate's messages about when to brush should one follow? [closed]

Tubes of Colgate® toothpaste say: Brush teeth thoroughly, preferably after each meal, or as directed by a health care practioner The page Over Brushing Teeth: Too Much Of A Good Thing | ...
Ray Butterworth's user avatar
2 votes
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Dentistry: Salt water rinse 30 minutes before bleach rinse?

There is a lot of consensus online about the many benefits of a salt water rinse [1]. Recently, a lot of consensus has emerged about the benefits of a diluted bleach rinse [2]. Is there any reason why ...
user2153235's user avatar
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Does a retainer prevent underbite relapse?

After correcting an underbite using elastic bands, I assume teeth will naturally return to their original position within the jaw unless you hold them in place, just like you would after braces/clear ...
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Is it dangerous if saliva enters the hole in a tooth to be filled during a root canal or cavity treatment?

Since there are bacteria in saliva, would it be problematic if saliva goes under the filling? The abstract of this paper by Mejàre et al notes: bacteria originating from saliva contamination do not ...
Aqqqq's user avatar
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What is the toxicity of titanium alloy body implants?

I'm looking for public studies to determine how toxic they are. It should be easy to test intelligence with and without implants. I have an intramedullary nail. When deciding whether to remove it, I'm ...
David Smolinski's user avatar
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Dentistry notation symbols

Unicode's Miscellaneous Technical block encodes a bunch of dentistry symbols: ⎾⎿⏀⏁⏂⏃⏄⏅⏆⏇⏈⏉⏊⏋⏌ It looks like the first and last two are used in Palmer notation. What are the rest of them used for? ...
ionchy's user avatar
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How thorough should a dental check-up be?

I recently had a dental check-up where I received x-rays. After the hygienist cleaned my teeth and checked gum levels the dentist came in and spent no more than 30 seconds looking at my teeth. This 30 ...
user38770's user avatar
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What is the latest position on 'repositioning splints' for treating TMJ within the medical community?

One of the most popular treatments recommended for TMJ is a removable or fixed splint. I have read that there are four different types of splint, one being a 'Repositioning splint.' This splint is ...
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Dental deep cleaning recommendation without probing? [closed]

I've had dentists in the past use a measurement tool to measure the "pockets" of my gums to make the determination that I need a "deep cleaning," yet I've had other dentists skip ...
Sittin Hawk's user avatar
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Can saliva under the dental crown cause problems in the long term?

I recently learned that saliva contains hundreds of different kinds of bacteria (e.g. see here). Recalling that I was salivating profusely prior to a dentist crown being glued onto my tooth, I wonder ...
AlwaysLearning's user avatar
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Best to replace amalgam filling with composite?

My question is whether it's best to replace amalgam fillings with newer, composite fillings. My concern is the constant, low-level of Hg leaching into the body. I understand that removing them will ...
Don Slowik's user avatar
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How do whitening mouthwashes work?

I am trying to achieve shiny white teeth. However, I am not trying to do laser whitening or any type of dye whitening. I have recently started using an electrical toothbrush and it was amazing. Now, I ...
Anwar Elhadad's user avatar
-2 votes
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Why a dental visit before age 1?

I followed the recommendations to take my teething 10-month old to a dentist: American Dental Association: the reasons given are to “check for mouth injuries, cavities or other issues” American ...
Spencer Joplin's user avatar
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Are products used in dentistry tested for toxicity?

Drugs are systematically tested for toxicity according to strict standards nowdays. But are products and materials used in dentistry (varnishes, resins, metals, acrylic, cements, etc..) tested using ...
huurd's user avatar
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How much do certain probiotics reduce cavity causing bacteria?

In the paper titled Effect of Short-term Consumption of Amul Probiotic Yogurt Containing Lactobacillus acidophilus La5 and Bifidobacterium Lactis Bb12 on Salivary Streptococcus mutans Count in High ...
hippypink's user avatar
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Do teeth have some sort of memory?

I have read of some cases where teeth moved after having been aligned with braces or similar procedures. Here is one of those sources The longer the amount of time since you’ve had braces, the less ...
Gonçalo Peres's user avatar
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Does mouthwash provide any benefits?

I have came across two questions on the topic, however they both seem to assume that mouthwash is beneficial. • How frequently should non-alcoholic mouthwashes be used? • How often should I use ...
Gonçalo Peres's user avatar
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Crowns vs veneers

What risks are associated with the use of cosmetic crowns (as opposed to veneers) in a healthy mouth? In other words, if the goal is essentially cosmetic and crowns would give a better cosmetic result,...
Rex's user avatar
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Are All Root Canal Treatments Safe?

As we know, in root canal treatment the tooth is cleaned of bacteria; however, it cannot be 100% cleaned of bacteria. "There is always bacteria left behind in the auxiliary canals" and the ...
Z.E.'s user avatar
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Does tea tree oil acutally whiten teeth?

I heard about tea tree oil antimicrobal properties. But does it something similar to active oxygen or nitrogen pyroxide? Or it makes them whiter just killing organisms that cause change in color or ...
R S's user avatar
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How quickly does remineralization of teeth happen from brushing?

To the extent that toothpaste can remineralize tooth enamel, how quickly does it happen? Is it a as-soon-as-there's-contact occurrence? Is it after ~30-120 seconds of scrubbing? Is it 10+ minutes ...
Coldblackice's user avatar
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Why does a capped cracked tooth hurt when sugar hits it?

Assume a cracked tooth with a cubic zirconia crown. If something sweet touches this tooth/crown... YEOUCH! Pain shoots through the tooth and into the root. Why? A similar reaction occurs from cold or ...
kmiklas's user avatar
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What is the relationship (if any) between poor posture during the day and problems with bruxism and/or TMJ, or is this just idle speculation?

The two popular news articles discuss increased rates of Temporomandibular joint dysfunction or "TMJ" symptoms and broken teeth reported in the US as well as the (potentially bi-directional) ...
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Teeth cancer in Humans [closed]
Prashant Akerkar's user avatar
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What is topical snuff?

I am reading Burket’s Oral Medicine, Chapter - 4 on ‘Ulcerative, Vesicular, And Bullous Lesions’. Under Herpesvirus infections, the author has this to say: Animal studies on hamster cheek pouches ...
Noeshel 's user avatar
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All canal types of mandible premolar teeth

Is there any case with a mandible premolar tooth with distal and mesial canals? I have a problem with finding the canals of the mentioned tooth. Can anyone help me?
Perfect Fluid's user avatar
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Why is there no generally accepted system of disease classification?

I am reading Burket's Oral Medicine: Diagnosis and Treatment, Chapter 1 - Evaluation of the Dental Patient: Diagnosis and Medical Risk Assessment. Under the section 'Establishing The Diagnosis', the ...
Noeshel 's user avatar
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What are non-specific somatic sensory receptors in the nasal mucosa?

I am reading Oral Medicine: Diagnosis and Treatment by Greenberg and Glick, Chapter 2 - Evaluation Of The Dental Patient: Diagnosis and Medical Risk Assessment. Under Cranial Nerve Examination, ...
Noeshel 's user avatar
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Can a tooth be saved if it was accidentally knocked out from its socket?

Due to trauma, e.g., from road accidents, sports, falls, etc a tooth may be removed entirely from its socket. Can this tooth be saved? If so, what should a person do at the accident site?
Ojasvi's user avatar
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Why are carbonated drinks contraindicated after extraction

So after the extraction of a tooth the dentists advice patients not to spit till the next hour(for primary clot formation), followed by ice cream or cold juice(for vasoconstriction). Also to have soft ...
Ojasvi's user avatar
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What are the criteria to decide revascularization vs apexification in a young permanent tooth with necrosed pulp?

If a paediatric patient comes to the clinic with necrosed pulp either due to trauma or caries in one of his/her young permanent tooth then should apexification be done or revascularization? What are ...
Ojasvi's user avatar
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Which dental implants would be better? [closed]

My upper left molar (teeth #7) crumbled and the crown also broke down. The dentist suggested to go for a tooth extraction, followed by an implant. Is it fine if I avoid the implant, and only do the ...
maverick's user avatar
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Why don't dentists use stitches after doing a tooth extraction?

I had tooth extraction in 2007. Dentist didn't use stitches just gave me a cotton told me to hold onto it with teeth. Bleeding last for 3-4 hours. Usually, however, bleeding will almost completely ...
Tim Jack's user avatar
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Rinsing vs not rinsing until 30 mins after brushing teeth (dry sensation) [duplicate]

First timer here.. I don't know this situation has been asked/shared before or not, but I couldn't find any similar question online. So I have read the recommendation that better we do not rinse ...
10understanding's user avatar
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Why does a dental abscess / infection usually go away after a root canal?

After an abscess is diagnosed and a root canal treatment is done on a tooth, why does the infection go away? It seems all the root canal treatment does is remove the total volume of space for the ...
Chris Stryczynski's user avatar
7 votes
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Does brushing your teeth immediately after sleeping have some medical significance?

Context: I have generally only brushed my teeth once-a-day, before going to bed. My dentist has advised to start brushing twice a day, adding "immediately in the morning" to my dental routine. I ...
Brondahl's user avatar
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Why isn't iontophoresis more commonly used in dentistry?

I happened to find a bunch of articles that suggest iontophoresis could revolutionize dentistry through allowing needle-free delivery of local anaesthetic, or even an alternative to drill-and-fill. ...
user1258361's user avatar
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Are electrical toothbrushes harmful for gingiva?

I found this answer about the benefits of electric toothbrushes with tons of sources. It only mentions the positive impacts on plaque removal and gingival inflammation (i.e. efficiency of the cleaning)...
TGar's user avatar
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Full metal crown for badly carious teeth

I was studying the topic of full metal crowns (fixed prosthodontics), and in my book it says that one of the indications of making a full metal crown is that the tooth that is going to receive the ...
Asmaa's user avatar
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Can the use of hydrogen peroxide in dentistry worsen the oxidative stress in patches of facial vitiligo vulgaris?

According to this study 1, hydrogen peroxide is not absorbed by the skin, but can cause systemic toxicity when inhaled or ingested. I am not entirely sure how often hydrogen peroxide is inhaled or ...
Bob Ortiz's user avatar
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Is there an interaction between methamphetamine and dental anesthetic?

According to the sign shown in this post on Reddit, using methamphetamine and dental anesthetic together is lethal. If you use Methamphetamines (Crystal Meth, Crank, Speed, Glass, Tweak, Yaba)...
SQB's user avatar
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Are there known instances of a zirconium crown resonating at certain frequencies and causing discomfort?

I've seen a case where a zirconium crown installed on the second molar of a patient vibrates at certain frequencies of vocalization (e.g., nasal consonants, humming higher-frequency notes, i.e., in ...
ghonke's user avatar
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Is there a temporary way to prevent two maloccluding teeth from impacting one another?

If one's bite is bad and two teeth are constantly impacting one another causing pain problems, is there an advisable way to prevent impact from constantly occurring, for example, with a squishy, gummy ...
julkarham's user avatar
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