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Questions tagged [sleep]

Questions about sleep disorders, like circadian rhythm sleep disorders, or the general topic of sleep as it relates to health.

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Alternatives to the AHI metric for sleep apnea?

The commonly accepted metric for diagnosing sleep apnea and determining its severity is the apnea-hypopnea index (AHI). AHI turns out to be a grossly misleading metric, though, for the following ...
drabsv's user avatar
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What are the long-term consequences of body rocking?

Body rocking is a kind of sleep-related rhythmic movement disorder (see for example this video from 0:15). According to the NIH's article on repetitive ...
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Hot weather as a trigger for sleep attacks

According to this article, hot weather can be a trigger for excessive daytime sleepiness in the case of narcolepsy. I have been trying to find more about a correlation between hot weather and ...
drabsv's user avatar
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How much does one night of reduced sleep impair immune function?

I just watched the Sleep is your superpower TED talk by Prof. Matt Walker. In that video, he claims that 1 night of sleeping only 4 hours reduces natural killer cell activity by 70%. My first ...
Zaz's user avatar
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How does apnea trigger the urge to breathe?

I am thinking of writing about Obstructive Sleep Apnoea (UK spelling for apnea) out of interest in the condition (not a medical textbook). During deep sleep, in persons with a narrow airway, the back ...
drkvogel's user avatar
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Does the military sleep technique have a 96 percent success rate?

The military sleep technique is a method to fall asleep within 2 minutes. It is said that the method works (after a number of weeks) for 96% of the people who try it. Is there any scientific research ...
Riemann's user avatar
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Is going to sleep at 10PM healthier than at 12AM?

I have heard often that the hours you sleep before 12 AM are extra important, so for example it is better to sleep from 22:00 until 6:00 than to sleep from 0:00 until 8:00. In order to specify the ...
Riemann's user avatar
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Does lying in your bed, unable to sleep, in fact count as meaningful rest? [closed]

Many nights, I cannot sleep. Even if I go to bed around midnight, I might lie there until 5 in the morning or later before I finally fall asleep, and then usually wake up way too early due to noises. ...
Pacer's user avatar
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What does "Event Marker" refer to in sleep (PSG) study?

I am an engineer working on PSG studies datasets. The particular dataset that I'm looking at has recorded 2 EEG channels, eye movement (HEOG), chin EMG, body temp and respiration and an event marker! ...
Ali Kavoosi's user avatar
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What is the effect of intermittent fasting on sleep, if any?

What is the effect of intermittent fasting on sleep, if any? The 2018 review {1} was quite inconclusive, except for REM sleep in the case of diurnal intermittent fasting: The impact of diurnal ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
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Term for a person who sleeps as they need to, rather than with any regular pattern?

Is there a term for a condition or inclination of only sleeping on an as-needs basis? (analogous, perhaps, to hydration habits, where some people may have a regular pattern for when they drink water, ...
stevec's user avatar
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Exactly what triggers the release of Melatonin?

I work nights and I know it's terrible for the health (circadian rhythm) but what can you do, I'm stuck and can't get another job. I'm not taking any melatonin, because I'm skeptical of taking ...
confused's user avatar
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Can someone die from not sleeping? [closed]

I know this sounds like a weird question, but is it possible for someone not sleeping to die? What are all the negative consequences of not sleeping for long periods of time? Do you have any tips for ...
wilkvolk's user avatar
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Why does adenosine processing require unconsciousness?

I've heard that one of the purposes of sleep is to process adenosine that builds up from metabolic processes, and it makes sense that the effect of adenosine as a neurotransmitter is to produce ...
ak0000's user avatar
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Best Sleep quality index: polysomnography (PSG) , The Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) or

I am interested in sleep quality measuring and by seeing this paper: Towards Benchmarked Sleep Detection with Inertial Wrist-worn Sensing Units I have seen this part paper: So i like to know which ...
Soheil Paper's user avatar
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Proper sleep quality index for compare with heart rate patterns

I LIKE TO KNOW ABOUT how to compare result of some detected patters in heart rate for sleep quality,for something like this work: Image-based sleep motion and Slope detection on Hammock, hill and ...
Soheil Paper's user avatar
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One-sided nasal obstruction while lying normal?

Here's a question to which I've not been able to get clear answer to date, after researching widely online, and also consulting multiple doctors and ENTs: Is it normal, when lying in a horizontal ...
Daniel R. Collins's user avatar
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Benefits of being relaxed after reading up on the morning [closed]

I want someone to help direct me to research (if there exists any) of the advantages both mental and physical of waking up in a relaxed manner. To contrast it we have scenario A where your alarm goes ...
SOSXX's user avatar
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I got by on 2 hours of sleep today. How is that possible? [closed]

I usually sleep for 7-9 hours a day. Recently changed it from a day sleeping schedule (05:00 A. M. To 13.00 P. M.) to night one (24:00 midnight to 09:00 A. M.) Yesterday was Friday, Indian standard ...
Vigneswara Prabhu's user avatar
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Sleeping during the day instead of sleeping at night [closed]

Is there any difference to ones health outcome if they wake up at night and go to sleep when the sun rises up? To be more specific, what will happen to a person if the sleep cycle is reversed?
user17543's user avatar
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Does stress level goes down or up while sleeping?

Given we are in the same situations, same circumstances and a person is able to sleep fine without any issues. Are we more stressful at night while we are sleeping or during day when we are up in ...
zar's user avatar
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Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) - what level of respiratory dysregulation is involved and are respiratory stimulants relevant?

There are some people who when sleeping seem to power through obstructions to their breathing by breathing strongly such that they snore at a very loud volume. For people with obstructive sleep apnea ...
g491's user avatar
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Is there a medical problem of too much REM sleep?

I understand that human sleep has a cycle of five stages that can repeat itself several times (depends on how long one sleeps); these are named based on the fifth stage occurring about each 90 minutes ...
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Is it harmful to the human body if we don't turn off the light completely while sleeping? [duplicate]

While sleeping, some people may leave the light on or dim it down, so that perhaps it is equal to a 35W or 20W regular light bulb. In this case, is it true that the pineal gland in our brain won't ...
nonopolarity's user avatar
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How much melatonin does the body produce naturally per day?

Melatonin supplements are readily available over-the-counter. However, the dosage is not regulated and there are supplements available in a wide variety of doses. Information on how much melatonin ...
Virginia's user avatar
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Is there any medical downside of using a knee pillow when sleeping?

Is there any medical downside of using a knee pillow when sleeping? I have read many webpages that only state the upsides of using knee pillows when sleeping (e.g.,
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
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Does light pollution affect sleep quality while already asleep?

Many articles on the internet write about melatonin and its effects, making you tired. A lot of articles also point out how the use of devices before going to bed in modern days likely decrease ...
Bob Ortiz's user avatar
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What is the effect of still feeling a movement after doing this movement during the day called and what causes it?

After a long day of sailing or a boat, or sitting in a car, or heavy sporting, et cetera, one might feel, while lying perfectly still in bed (or resting in another way), as if the body is still ...
Qqwy's user avatar
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How does sleep affect anesthesia? [closed]

Before surgery that requires anesthesia the patient is told stuff like don't eat. Some people cannot sleep well prior to surgery. Can having a full night or regular good sleep fair better for ...
Muze's user avatar
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Earlier wake-up times in older people

Many studies led to the conclusion that the internal body clock period (circadian rhythm) is actually closer to 25 hours; that is, the clock was thought to drift toward a 25-hour day unless it is set ...
Chris Rogers's user avatar
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Sleep apnea: Which is more reliable, a home sleep study or a lab sleep study?

After some research, I'm aware of two different types of sleep studies that are available to detect sleep apnea and determine its severity: In-home study Lab study Which type of study gathers more ...
End Antisemitic Hate's user avatar
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All nighter: steady sleep schedule or sleepping in

Staying up all night is harmful, but suppose you are in this situation what is the healthiest response. It is hard to find a scientific answer online on the healthiest response after staying awake all ...
Thomas Kojar's user avatar
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How much sleep do adults actually need?

The common consensus is that most adults should get 8 hours of sleep a night. However, sleep needs are highly variable, with some people needing more to function properly, and some gaining little ...
TheEnvironmentalist's user avatar
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Which impacts one's sleep more - waking up towards the beginning of a sleep cycle, or the end?

Imagine someone wants to go to sleep at midnight and wake up at 7.30 am, so that they get an ideal five sleep cycles (7 1/2 hours). First scenario: they go to bed at 11.30 and fall asleep within 15 ...
Lou's user avatar
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Is going to sleeping with socks beneficial or detrimental?

I've recently read this piece: Is sleeping with socks on good for you? from "MedicalNewsToday", and supposedly reviewed by a "PhD, RN". Having moved into a poorly-insulated apartment, and being ...
einpoklum's user avatar
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Is daylight savings linked to heart attacks?

I was told this earlier today and a quick search produced the following Reuters report from 2014:
Frank Hubeny's user avatar
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Can excessive Vitamin D cause insomnia or damage sleep patterns?

It seems its well known that low vitamin D can cause sleeping issues, one link: Therefore, I became curious and was wondering ...
Charlie Parker's user avatar
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Sleeping temperature when suffering from cold

I usually sleep at around 69°F(20.6°C). If the temperature is anything above 71°F(21.7°C), I find it very difficult to fall asleep with my body burning up and all. However, when I am suffering ...
Anjil Dhamala's user avatar
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Sleep hygiene in a single-room living space

The principles of sleep hygiene in treating insomnia (one example) include addressing the cognitive links between the bedroom and wakefulness - advising that one leave the bed/bedroom if one can't ...
Stilez's user avatar
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Does a computer screen work as a lightbox?

We often hear two related facts: That using a lightbox can help maintain one's circadian rhythm. That using a computer late a night can make it harder to sleep at night due to the blue light emitted ...
End Antisemitic Hate's user avatar
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Does caffeine have any distinct biological effects to adrenaline?

Adrenaline usually is a "panicking response" and should, as far as I understand it, supresses any feelings of tiredness. However, someone I know has agoraphobia, which when triggered releases a lot of ...
Hi-Angel's user avatar
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Is there a long-term risk to sleeping in a hammock regularly?

There seems to be very little research on long-term health or spine drawbacks to sleeping in a hammock (anything besides individuals informal blog-type posts). Just one study about sleeping in a ...
adamaero's user avatar
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How does poor sleep cause circles under one's eyes?

I've read that poor sleep causes circles under one's eyes. Also, I've read that they are caused by dehydration. Is it safe to assume that the way poor sleep causes the circles is by causing ...
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Why is it harder to get up when forced to wake up?

I only noticed this for quite a while now but never considered it much of a problem but I noted that when I'm forced awake (i.e. someone wakes me up) I feel significantly drowsier versus when I wake ...
o0V0o's user avatar
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What are clinically advised methods to improve nocturnal respiration other than CPAP?

Based on conventional medicine, what advice should a physician give a patient who experiences breathing difficulty during sleep that is not determined to require a CPAP machine and for which the root ...
Ryan Mortensen's user avatar
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Why can't one "catch up on" sleep?

I've repeatedly heard it said by sleep experts that one cannot "catch up" on missed sleep.[citation needed] The best explanation of that statement I've heard so far is that a lack of sleep has ...
deceze's user avatar
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Why do we sleep? [closed]

I was reading many things about sleep. But I am very curious about knowing why do we sleep. Is it only for trashing out toxic materials or is it anything else?
Fazla Rabbi Mashrur's user avatar
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Evening lighting that doesn't work against sleep cycle

I have read that blue light entering the eyes is the channel through which light influences the sleep cycle. (I am not sure if this is correct, please do tell me if it is or if its a myth or an ...
user56834's user avatar
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Normal Sleeping Heart Rate Range

I recently got a heart rate tracker and I've noticed that when I sleep my heart rate consistently spikes fairly high. It has reached 165 bpm before, but most times it's under 150. That seems a bit ...
drg's user avatar
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Coffee for solving sleep problems?

In this post I asked whether Coffee use could cause an increase in adenosine levels as a result of the body’s adjustment to lower adenosine receptor activation. An answer stated that coffee use ...
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