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Questions tagged [gingivitis]

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Eight (wisdom) teeth extraction in Germany

My eight tooth (on the bottom :) ) has made its way through gingiva, and it has grown in the direction of 7th tooth. That makes difficult to clean food remains from the place of contact of 7th and 8th....
Ivan Gerasimenko's user avatar
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Bad Breath Problem

I saw a similar question like this on here but I don't think there was a solid answer. I have a terrible problem where I have bad breath all day especially in the morning but I don't know how to stop ...
Daniel's user avatar
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3 answers

vigorous brushing a cause for dental issues or not?

My daughter is twelve years old. She is having frequent tooth problems. She brushes her teeth vigorously and most of the times she has gum pain too. One of the teeth from the lower jaw is decayed and ...
irenerheflin's user avatar
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How many people, on average, floss on a regular basis?

How many people, on average, floss on a regular basis? I feel like I'm the only person who doesn't floss on a regular basis according to my dentist, but do we know the statistics of how many people ...
Butterfly and Bones's user avatar
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Dentist says Dry-Mouth leads to bad breath (halitosis), gingivitis, tooth-decay, periodontal disease, etc. Why isn't Dry-Mouth diagnosed more often?

I had my semi-annual check-up with my dentist today and he noted that I had a severely dry-mouth. I've known I had this, but with all my other medical issues, I didn't consider it to be one of my ...
Butterfly and Bones's user avatar
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Urine for Mouthwash

I have heard of people using urine as a mouthwash. There are a lot of claims that it helps to cure a variety of dental problems, such as gum inflammation. So far, I can only find anecdotal evidence. ...
Lumo5's user avatar
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I've always worn my clear nighttime retainers religiously. Can I get my permanent metal retainers taken out?

I have a permanent metal retainer glued to the back of my top teeth. I have a second one glued to the back of my bottom teeth. They were put on immediately after my braces were taken off. Here's an ...
Kyle's user avatar
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Are there any proven benefits of electric toothbrushes over manual toothbrushing?

Advertising has extolled the benefits of electric-powered toothbrushes for decades now, and dentists seem to prefer certain brands over others, some even selling them in their offices. In almost every ...
anongoodnurse's user avatar