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Questions tagged [root-canal]

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Is it dangerous if saliva enters the hole in a tooth to be filled during a root canal or cavity treatment?

Since there are bacteria in saliva, would it be problematic if saliva goes under the filling? The abstract of this paper by Mejàre et al notes: bacteria originating from saliva contamination do not ...
Aqqqq's user avatar
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All canal types of mandible premolar teeth

Is there any case with a mandible premolar tooth with distal and mesial canals? I have a problem with finding the canals of the mentioned tooth. Can anyone help me?
Perfect Fluid's user avatar
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Why does a dental abscess / infection usually go away after a root canal?

After an abscess is diagnosed and a root canal treatment is done on a tooth, why does the infection go away? It seems all the root canal treatment does is remove the total volume of space for the ...
Chris Stryczynski's user avatar
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Pain relating to Root Canal Treatment

What are the causes of pain during and after root canal therapy?
varuog's user avatar
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Root canal therapy for diabetes patient?

If someone has the symptoms of the damaged nerve and should undergo a root canal therapy: Is there any risk for a diabetes patient to undergo this procedure?
jesse_chou's user avatar
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Dentures for my mother

My mother is seventy-five years old. She had been suffering from dental issues for so long. She has undergone four root canal treatments till now. But still, she is suffering from toothache and most ...
terryamerriam's user avatar
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vigorous brushing a cause for dental issues or not?

My daughter is twelve years old. She is having frequent tooth problems. She brushes her teeth vigorously and most of the times she has gum pain too. One of the teeth from the lower jaw is decayed and ...
irenerheflin's user avatar
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Does an infected dental nerve affect nose breahting?

I went to my dentist for a lookup and he told me I needed a tooth canal treatment. He asked me if I had some problems with my nose, like if it's closed or dry. He was right about it and he told me the ...
user387171's user avatar