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23andMe DNA Test is reliable?

Does the 23andMe DNA Test is reliable and worth to get ? Or there is nothing like the actual physical dna tests at laboratories. Does 23andMe DNA Test provide the exact information provided by ...
alim1990's user avatar
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How to calculate nutrition fact?

I'm not sure i'm posting on the right place and I don't really know what it is called. I just wondering. How the cuurent food company calculated the nutrition information of they food? In my opinion: ...
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CPAP refresh purchase

My CPAP is hitting the 5 year mark, so it is time to buy a new one, before the current one fails. That being said, I am considering purchasing the same Resmed S9 model because having two of the same ...
gatorback's user avatar
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20 votes
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Are there any proven benefits of electric toothbrushes over manual toothbrushing?

Advertising has extolled the benefits of electric-powered toothbrushes for decades now, and dentists seem to prefer certain brands over others, some even selling them in their offices. In almost every ...
anongoodnurse's user avatar