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7 votes

Outcomes after uterine rupture

What are the outcomes of uterine rupture? Treatment of uterine rupture is surgical. Goals are stopping the hemorrhage, delivering the baby, and repairing the uterus if possible. The range of risks ...
De Novo's user avatar
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5 votes

Maternal Mortality Ratio without healthcare

I believe the answer is somewhere between 0.5% and 1% (about 500-1000 deaths per 100000 births). Below is the list of the sources I reviewed. Some sources provide higher estimates, but those should be ...
Andrej Adamenko's user avatar
4 votes

How would a newborn infant reflexively breathing react to rescue breaths administered correctly after birth?

If the cord is the only reason that prevents the baby to start breathing spontaneously and the baby is otherwise healthy then the situation could resolve as you assumed. Two breaths could suffice, ...
Jan's user avatar
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1 vote

Is natural labor beneficial to a vaginal delivery?

Q1 - Does artificial dilation assistance during labor pose a risk that natural dilation does not? You are not going to be able to insert a catheter into the cervix without risk of harming the baby or ...
Chris Rogers's user avatar
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1 vote

Intravenous morphine as painkiller for woman in labor and possible side effects in the newborn

By asking a few people I had access to and also searching in some of my reference books like Katzung, Martindale, and finally looking at Newborn Services Drug Protocol, I think I may have reached a ...
Crimson-Ruby's user avatar
1 vote

Postpartum haemorrhages due to partial placenta detachment or tear

To find the answer to this I had to find out the prevention measures and management of Postpartum Haemorrhage (PPH). Oxytocin is typically used right after the delivery of the baby to prevent PPH (...
Chris Rogers's user avatar
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