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7 votes

Is it true that alcohol is the only "drug" one can die from during a drug-withdrawal? What are the symptoms of the withdrawal?

In addition to alcohol, benzodiazepines and the opiates (rare), another class of drugs that can cause lethal withdrawal symptoms is the barbiturates. In fact, they present the most dangerous ...
Carey Gregory's user avatar
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5 votes

How does alcoholism technically (chemically) kill you?

On the chemical level, the toxicity of ethanol is mainly mediated by its breakdown product acetaldehyde. Alcohol is metabolized like this: ethanol → acetaldehyde → acetate &...
Jan's user avatar
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5 votes

Food, recovered alcoholic and fallout

I am unaware of any medical study that indicates a drop of alcohol is sufficient to trigger a relapse on its own. Relapse is a complex phenomenon. The quote you provide sounds like it comes from a "...
Bryan Krause's user avatar
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3 votes

Is ethanol toxic to liver, in the absence of ethanol metabolites resulting from inhibiting alcohol dehydrogenase(ADH) enzyme?

Seems like you answered your own question. Lowering the threshold for intoxication lowers the threshold for toxicity. The likelihood of acute ethanol poisoning is increased by coadministering these ...
Brian Ó Maoláin's user avatar
2 votes

Can the liver not recover from cirrhosis caused by alcohol related damage?

At present time, hepatic cirrhosis is still an irreversible end stage chronic disease (Johnson and Sherding, 2006). In a nutshell its featured by successive cycles of injury/repair and inflammation ...
program's user avatar
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1 vote

Do all kinds of alcohol trigger the relapse response in alcoholics?

If you want to test for any alcohol that could theoretically make someone feel the same effects as drinking ethanol-containing drinks, this article indicates that you may need to test for alcohols of ...
Post169's user avatar
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Is it true that alcohol is the only "drug" one can die from during a drug-withdrawal? What are the symptoms of the withdrawal?

American Addiction Centers The symptoms are Stage 1: Anxiety, insomnia, nausea, and abdominal pain characterize this stage, which begins 8 hours after the last drink. Stage 2: High blood pressure, ...
paparazzo's user avatar
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