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Questions tagged [absorption-absorb]

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What protective mechanisms against lead absorption are present in adults but not fully developed in children?

According to this summary, adults typically absorb up to 20% of ingested lead after a meal, whereas children typically absorb up to 50% of ingested lead after a meal. When I search to try to find out ...
user1271772's user avatar
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Can intestinal bacterial overgrowth result in hypophosphatemia?

This article shows that there is variability in the degree that bacteria bind to phosphate in the gut. Is it possible that intestinal bacterial overgrowth results in hypophosphatemia?
Mikkel Rev's user avatar
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2 answers

Would gargling salt water every day increase sodium absorption levels?

Do you absorb sodium through your gums, mouth and throat when gargling and rinsing salt water? Considering the fact that sublingual medication is a very effective way for introducing substances ...
larry909's user avatar
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2 answers

What properties of a topical medication determine what percent is systemically absorbed (bioavailability)?

Some medications are applied topically for a local skin effect, such as: Topical corticosteroids for eczema or psoriasis, of which approx 2% is absorbed systemically. Topical tretinoin for acne, of ...
Pherdindy's user avatar
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Are vitamin C and desloratadine better absorbed when taken shortly after eating?

I'm taking vitamin C supplements and desloratadine for my allergies. I've heard some people saying that it's better to take your medicines right after eating because your body absorbs them better ...
Hinko Pih Pih's user avatar
5 votes
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Significantly reduced absorption of Ciprofloxacin with concurrently administered Sucralfate is utilized intentionally to treat Colitis?

Many studies proved that concurrent administration of Ciprofloxacin and Sucralfate reduces the maximum concentration of Ciprofloxacin in plasma to approximately 1/10 level. Combined use of ...
Kay Lee's user avatar
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What is the absorption rate of resveratrol supplements? (mirror) claims without providing scientific references that: your body can't absorb most of the ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
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How much food when taking vitamin supplements?

If you want to take a few vitamin supplements but don't have time for a meal, would 50 calories or so of food be good enough? What is the minimum amount of food intake that would be necessary for ...
larry909's user avatar
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Is it safe to eat more Vitamin B than you need?

My uncle who worked in pharmaceutical factory, says it is safe to eat more Vitamin B than you need, because people have limited absorption of Vitamin. Is this ture ?
Mithril's user avatar
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What happens to the breast milk of a mother who doesn't nurse [closed]

Say the baby dies, what happens to the milk? Is it re-absorbed by the body and will the absorption of the macro and micro nutrient be same as someone who would drink it. I do know that cows are prone ...
tighten's user avatar
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Can caffeine be absorbed through the skin? Specifically, do caffeinated soaps boost energy?

I had no idea that caffeinated soap existed! (You really do learn something new everyday)! So apparently these caffeinated soaps are on the market, but are they really all that effective in boosting ...
Butterfly and Bones's user avatar
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What factors control how much water the bowel absorbs?

The lower intestine absorbs water from faecal matter, and uses that as one source of hydration for your body. I assume the bowel has various reasons for deciding when not to do this...and diarrhoea is ...
Magnus Smith's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

how it's better to drink water, fast or slowly?

I usually drink water by small slips and I read that it's the best way to do this, for example: First off, sit down to drink (just as you should sit down to eat). Take sips, not full-glass ...
Alexan's user avatar
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14 votes
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How much Vitamin B12 do you need?

Vitamin B12 is stored over a very long time such that vegans, for example, only get any signs or symptoms of B12 deficiency after a span of years, even though they have hardly any sources of the ...
Kuhlambo's user avatar
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