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Questions tagged [venous-system]

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Why can't JVP be measured in a standing or supine position?

While carrying out the jugular venous pressure (JVP) examination, the patient is kept at a 45 degree angle with respect to the ground. Why can't it be measured in a standing or supine position?
chinmai's user avatar
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What is the expected life span of vascular stents?

What is the expected life span of vascular stents? For example: Universal (coronary/venous) stent WALLSTENT-UNI Boston Scientific, metal: nitinol = titanium + nickel. How many pulsating contractions ...
Alex's user avatar
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Can blood flow destroy part of the metal stent in 10 to 40 years?

If a part of the metal stent has not grown into a vessel, can this part of the stent be washed out by the blood flow in 10 to 40 years (theoretically)? Also are such cases known that blood flow ...
Alex's user avatar
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What causes external lower leg to visibly pulse?

I wonder what causes the lower leg(fibula side) to pulse visibly for few minutes after exercising/walking etc. If the pulse is synchronised with the hearth rate, is it more likely to be a vein or an ...
blu potatos's user avatar
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Can any external stents (or something like this) be used to solve aorto-venous conflict (May-Thurner syndrome)?

Is there can be used any external stents or something like this to solve aorto-venous conflict (May-Thurner syndrome) or Nutcracker syndrome? For example, a stent consisting of ...
Alex's user avatar
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Must one take anticoagulants lifelong after stenting of deep veins with a non-thrombotic lesion?

Must one take anticoagulants lifelong after stenting of deep veins with a non-thrombotic lesion, for example, aorto-venous conflict (May-Thurner syndrome)? Or is it enough to take anticoagulants only ...
Alex's user avatar
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How many valves per distance are common in veins?

Veins have valves to prevent backflow of blood. I am looking for a value the indicates on average how far apart those valves would be. There are valves in most veins to prevent backflow. source ...
James Jenkins's user avatar
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What are the factors that make veins easy for a blood test one day, and difficult the next?

I take blood tests quite frequently, and most the time the technicians (Phlebotomists) spend a lot of time searching both my arms for a good vein. I pump my fists, and they smack my arms (and of ...
Pills N Pillows's user avatar
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Vascularization, good or bad for health/muscle growth

I have recently started at the gym and noticed an excessively flow of blood and bloated veins on my arm when I exercise them...I googled says that is called vascularization but just that...and ...
Adriano's user avatar
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How long does it take for a body to get rid of blood clots and bubbles inside a cannula?

The blood clots and the small bubbles that are stuck inside my cannula enters my body. I asked a doctor and he said its OK if the bubbles are small and clots are not dangerous. Are these bubbles and ...
user2824371's user avatar
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Plausibility of 30 gauge draw?

What are the risks, complications, and problems associated with using a 30 gauge needle to draw blood from someone with otherwise average veins? What is the certainty of hemolysis and would it be even ...
Tommy Woldt's user avatar
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Tourniquet application on a venous bleed

A few weeks ago in class (EMT), we were discussing tourniquet application in instances where there is bleeding that couldn't be controlled by pressure. In most cases, a tourniquet will be used on a ...
L.B.'s user avatar
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Effect of Blood donation needles on skin

I have donated my blood 3 times now...all three times at different hospitals. The first time, a very fine needle was used...almost similar to the one usually used in injection or to draw blood for ...
Zuch's user avatar
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