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Questions tagged [intravenous]

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Why do they put salt in a "saline" intravenous infusion?

Why do they put 0.9 mg/ml salt (NaCl, sodium chloride) into intravenous infusions? (Especially in emergency situations) The common assertion I find is "it helps keeping veins open", but ...
JayC667's user avatar
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Does subcutane infusion of 0.9% NaCl can also lead to hyperchloremic acidosis?

I've read that intravenous infusion of 0.9% NaCl can cause a significant drop in plasma SID leading to hyperchloremia and metabolic acidosis. What I wasn't able to figure out is if this can also ...
undefined's user avatar
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How long is the delay when rehydrating orally vs. IV?

The going recommendation for patients who present to the emergency room with dehydration is IV fluids. It seems to me that this is fairly wasteful and needlessly expensive. Is rehydrating with a ...
TheEnvironmentalist's user avatar
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What is injected into the IV to wake a patient up from general anesthesia?

In my previous 16 surgeries in the United States, I eventually woke up from general anesthesia on my own -- it took a few hours after surgery for me to wake, but I woke up naturally in "Recovery." ...
Butterfly and Bones's user avatar
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What are the factors that make veins easy for a blood test one day, and difficult the next?

I take blood tests quite frequently, and most the time the technicians (Phlebotomists) spend a lot of time searching both my arms for a good vein. I pump my fists, and they smack my arms (and of ...
Pills N Pillows's user avatar
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Why do opioids administered via IV cause pruritus?

I was told by a nurse that it is common for patients to complain of itching after administration of IV opioids, which tends to resolve soon thereafter. Those who experience this often do not ...
Butterfly and Bones's user avatar
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How can I make getting an IV easier?

I need an IV started once or twice a month, sometimes more often. This has been going on for a year now. It is getting harder and harder to get them started. 4 weeks ago it took three tries. Yesterday ...
Kate Gregory's user avatar
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How long does it take for a body to get rid of blood clots and bubbles inside a cannula?

The blood clots and the small bubbles that are stuck inside my cannula enters my body. I asked a doctor and he said its OK if the bubbles are small and clots are not dangerous. Are these bubbles and ...
user2824371's user avatar
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Intravenous Chameleon Injection [closed]

If you were to liquefy an entire chameleon and inject it into someone's veins, what is the probability of survival? Asking for a friend.
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Can a pregnant woman in a coma still be able to give a vaginal birth? Will her body instinctively contract?

Assuming a pregnant lady who is in a comatose state is in the hospital and hooked to IV's and such (and under the watchful eye of the doctor), would her body instinctively contract to the degree where ...
Pills N Pillows's user avatar