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Questions tagged [opthalmology]

For questions concerned with the study and treatment of disorders and diseases of the eye.

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Can using glasses with a positive prescription when using a computer help prevent or minimize myopia?

I've seen multiple sources linking screen-time on a computer and myopia. If this is correct that exerting our eye-muscles causes this, would using glasses with a positive prescription prevent that? ...
123's user avatar
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Can optic pits with blind spots be acquired (not congenital)?

The wikipedia page for optic pits says that they are congenital (ie, birth defects). They are sometimes accompanied by blind spots because there are fewer optic nerves than normal going to the retina. ...
Rob N's user avatar
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What ocular disorders fit within the scopes of practice of both ophthalmologists and optometrists?

Which ophthalmic conditions overlap the most in the scopes of practice between ophthalmologists and optometrists? What scopes or areas of practice are most shared by ophthalmologists and optometrists?...
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Is there an objective method to know the degrees of nearsightedness or farsightedness?

Is there an objective method to know the degrees of nearsightedness or farsightedness? The current method for eye tests is to ask the patient to read numbers/letters, then the ophthalmologist puts ...
huab's user avatar
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When a person who is nearsighted doesn't wear corrective glasses, what happens?

Someone wrongly tagged as duplicate my previous question. The question is: When a person who is nearsighted (eyeglass needs minus sign) doesn't wear corrective glasses, does it make the situation ...
john's user avatar
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Are phosphenes not a common ophthalmological phenomena?

I've been able to see them my entire life as far back as I can remember as a child (I am now 31 at this time of writing). I had always assumed this to be something that everyone can perceive, but by ...
Arctiic's user avatar
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Do blood pressure and heart rate influence intraocular pressure and to what extent?

I assume the typical situation for an increase in intraocular pressure is this: on the one hand new vitreous is produced, but on the other hand the exit path for vitreous is blocked for one of many ...
user2587106's user avatar
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Does wearing UV blocking glasses worsen myopia in children?

I have found this article which claims (for chicken) that blocking outdoors UV light made myopia worse. Some kids require glasses from a young age, e.g. 6 years old. Most of these glasses do have UV ...
agiro's user avatar
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Does playing wind instruments cause damage to the eyes overtime?

Found some studies that investigated the IOP's relation to wind instrument playing: one two three. I'm curious because I thought wind instrument playing (as over time it takes endurance to control ...
agiro's user avatar
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Is the increased intraocular pressure from playing wind instruments damaging to the eye?

People who play wind instruments often practice for hours every day. Some studies (this one as well) mentioned that intra-ocular pressure (IOP) raises during play. Some other studies measured a raise ...
tamas kiss's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Abnormal shrinkage of the eyeball

Is there a condition which describes an abnormal shrinkage of the eyeball? That is, a counterpart to buphthalmos (an abnormal enlargement of the eyeball).
Sean Wallace's user avatar
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Flickering/flashing in corner of eye and nausea when exposed to certain patterns [closed]

Before I begin I'd like to say that I've already seen an ophthalmologist who has since referred me to a ophthalmic neurologist. I'm asking because this is freaking me out and I was hoping for some ...
Nero gris's user avatar
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Why are topical corticosteroids used in conjunction with an antiviral to treat herpes keratitis?

Herpes simplex keratitis is a viral infection of the eye. Topical antiviral medications are used to treat the virus. Corticosteroids ophthalmic drops are sometimes used as well. But corticosteroids ...
Nectar's user avatar
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Do eye doctors check for tunnel vision?

Whenever I go in for an eye exam, I am subjected to Snellen charts (where the letters only appear in the center of my field of vision), air puffs against my eyes, and a bright light shined into my ...
pacoverflow's user avatar
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Causes of rapidly-progressing myopia [closed]

Imagine a patient, say, Steve. Steve is 19 years old, and began experiencing signs of myopia at 10 or so. He spent years wearing glasses on and off, and progressed to a -1.5 prescription (with a ...
TheEnvironmentalist's user avatar
14 votes
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How does LASIK (laser eye surgery) work?

LASIK, or laser eye surgery, is a surgery which reshapes the cornea to correct sight problems (e.g. short sighted, long sighted, astigmatism). Why can laser (which is simply light) reshape the ...
kathy's user avatar
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