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Questions tagged [glaucoma]

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Do temporary IOP elevations doing activities involving Valsalva maneuver result in glaucomatous damage to the optic nerve?

Some studies examined the effect of Valsalva maneuver on intraocular pressure with most of them stating a temporary but significant increase (see studies linked 1, 2, 3, 4). Activities that may ...
agiro's user avatar
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How is micro debris cleaned from the eye in unusual cases?

Sometimes micro debris or "microparticles" are interacting with human's (and animals's) eyes: It can be some types of dust or hair pieces trimmed with a trimmer; I especially mean little particles of ...
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How our brain discharge old CSF? [closed]

Our brain produces new CSF fluid every hour, so old CSF discharge from our body. My question is where is CSF discharge point? or how our brain discharges Old CSF from the brain. . There is a ...
asad app's user avatar
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Is there a convenient self test for Glaucoma?

I was identified as a glaucoma suspect and told to get rechecked for glaucoma annually. Knowing that glaucoma can move more quickly than that I was spooked and wound up creating my own self test. If ...
Ruminator's user avatar
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Does playing wind instruments cause damage to the eyes overtime?

Found some studies that investigated the IOP's relation to wind instrument playing: one two three. I'm curious because I thought wind instrument playing (as over time it takes endurance to control ...
agiro's user avatar
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Is the increased intraocular pressure from playing wind instruments damaging to the eye?

People who play wind instruments often practice for hours every day. Some studies (this one as well) mentioned that intra-ocular pressure (IOP) raises during play. Some other studies measured a raise ...
tamas kiss's user avatar
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How a person with high eye pressure see? Would you give me pictures?

After asking this question: How can I describe my eye weakness (disease) to a doctor? I went to an occultist. He said that my eye sight is 6/6 (good) and eye bottom is good healthy too. He did not ...
user2824371's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

When someone with glaucoma sees rainbows around lights, what exactly is happening physically?

People with open-angle glaucoma sometimes see halos or rainbows around bright lights (e.g. headlights at night), but not always. Glaucoma results in elevated intraocular pressure and thence pressure ...
Monica Cellio's user avatar
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Can electronic device help with glaucoma? [closed]

Retinal implants have been used in retinitis pigmentosa to restore some vision when the optic nerve is still intact, and experimental cortical implants when the optic nerve is damaged. Are these ...
Manuj's user avatar
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