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Questions tagged [eczema]

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How does baking soda relieve an itch?

Searching around the web, I found a lot of resources saying that baking soda (NaHCO₃) is good to relieve an itch. For example, this article Baking Soda for You Skin: Is It Safe, When to Use, and More ...
Ooker's user avatar
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What is "nervous eczema"?

Is nervous eczema a cause from: stress? Bronchial Asthma: A Genetic, Population and Psychiatric Study - Denis Leigh, Edward Marley - Google Books the nerves? Nervous Eczema Pictures – 64 Photos & ...
Ooker's user avatar
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4 votes
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Should all the stuff be thrown away when moving out from a house with mold?

Can anything from a molded house be safely moved to a new house without any further harm for health? Can spores be wiped out from clothes and furniture?
Vladimir Berlev's user avatar
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Dry red patches on face?

Around two or three days ago I noticed some unusual dry red patches started forming on my face. They're dry, rather itchy, and red even though some aren't that red. As of now, I have them under my ...
N A's user avatar
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Rash on face, what is the most likely cause and best treatment? [closed]

Okay, I've got a Rash on my face. It's red and blotchy like broken capillaries but smooth to the touch. It doesn't hurt and is not itchy. The closest condition I can describe it to is Rosacea, but not ...
Chris Rogers's user avatar
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How do topical steroid withdrawal relate to adrenal insufficiency?

In the International Topical Steroid Awareness Network (ITSAN) website, there is a list of symptoms that relieve after you discontinuing topical steroid. I will list here some of them: Signs and ...
Ooker's user avatar
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Is using SAStid soap good for eczema skin?

I have eczema, and after knowing that I'm addicted to steroid drug, I decide to withdraw it and have many symptoms after discontinue using steroids, including flaking skin, irritated, infected, or ...
Ooker's user avatar
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12 votes
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What is the mechanism of eczema?

I'm trying to link the signs and symptoms of eczema (especially atopic dermatitis) to its causes. In short, what is the mechanism of the disease? In an answer of another question about eczema, @...
Ooker's user avatar
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Is constantly using oily moisturizer bad for your skin?

I have eczema and as a result I have to use moisturizer to reduce the dryness. I heard that coconut oil is pretty good. I tried it and indeed it helped. But I was told that I shouldn't use it ...
Ooker's user avatar
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3 votes
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Rashes on back of knees [closed]

For a few weeks now, I have had inexplicable rashes on the backs of my legs, behind the knee area. It looks like some odd highly-localized form of eczema. They are sometimes itchy, and they get ...
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