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What exactly causes dry skin to itch?

I know that dry skin can itch (since I'm almost sure I have it), but why? I don't really know anything about dermatology (or medicine generally) so the best hypothesis I can come up with is that ...
Neophage's user avatar
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Is any anticholinergic necessarily antihistamine?

Choline is a nutrient chemically similar to B-vitamins needed for proper cell membrane production and muscle work. Histamine is a natural product derivate of the amino acid histidine, which according ...
freethinker's user avatar
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How does baking soda relieve an itch?

Searching around the web, I found a lot of resources saying that baking soda (NaHCO₃) is good to relieve an itch. For example, this article Baking Soda for You Skin: Is It Safe, When to Use, and More ...
Ooker's user avatar
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Palatal itching and rhinitis

It is a common finding among people that palatal itching is usually followed by rhinitis. In a study it was found that palatal itching and allergic rhinitis are related. My question is that why does ...
Ojasvi's user avatar
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Is it ever beneficial to scratch something that itches?

I'd like to know when it is encouraged to itch something, if ever. I kind of have a hard time understanding how the body could evolve to enjoy scratching itchy areas if it was bad for us, so it must ...
Anon's user avatar
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Why do opioids administered via IV cause pruritus?

I was told by a nurse that it is common for patients to complain of itching after administration of IV opioids, which tends to resolve soon thereafter. Those who experience this often do not ...
Butterfly and Bones's user avatar
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Relationship between sleep deprivation and itchiness

Obviously, itchiness can cause sleep deprivation to human as shown in many clinical cases. But I want to know if a sleep deprivation can cause itchiness or at least confuse our brain of spotting itchy ...
Hyeonseo Yang's user avatar
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How long can an allergic reaction last after exposure to an allergen?

My dad has a skin allergy (rashes, itchiness), and I want to cut out some things from his diet to see if it's causing the problem. But I don't know how long an allergic reaction can last in absence ...
randomshinichi's user avatar
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Taking Benadryl after Claritin

I take Claritin in the mornings. Right now in the evening my eyes are itchy and I'd like to take Benadryl. Is this a good idea or not? Thanks!
GiantDuck's user avatar
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What causes asymptomatic itching with rarely distributed rash?

Preface: I am not a student of medicine or a medical professional by any means. All uses of anatomic and biologic terms come from a general education plus a little hobby-knowledge. Misuses of such ...
Micard's user avatar
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Why do my hair and scalp feel greasy and itchy until I shower?

I've recently noticed that I have dry, itchy skin - particularly on my shins and ankles - and I think this may be caused by the warm-to-hot 10 minute showers I have every morning. The problem is that ...
Prometheus's user avatar
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What can cause mild irritation in my outer ear besides swimming?

I just have really mild itchiness and I noticed it hurt when I tried to scratch my ear. It is nothing severe but I don't want it to become severe. I have not swum recently. I don't know if it matters ...
Awulom's user avatar
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How to scratch an itchy throat [closed]

My throat is seriously itching me and it seems totally impossible to scratch it. Is there any home-remedy i can use to scratch it, I'm just hoping that it isn't some kind of disease or anything ...
Prince's user avatar
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Can Diflucan cause anal itching?

Doctor prescribed Diflucan because of penis thursh, two tablets, I took one, next one after week. Next day started to have strange feeling in anus, like itching, can Diflucan cause this?
istoby's user avatar
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Poison Ivy or Spider Bite? [closed]

My wife and I were exposed to poison ivy last Saturday (7/16). I have more rashes that her but she has this rash that keeps expanding, picture below. The small oval with the dark spots showed up ...
juicebyjustin's user avatar
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How to get rid of from intertrigo by using home remedies?

For someone suffering from Intertrigo skin infection in their groin area. Is there any home remedy to get rid of it?
WallEE's user avatar
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Would anything medically negative ever happen if I didn't scratch an itch?

The title says it all - Would anything medically negative ever happen if I never scratched an itch? More specifically, one that does not stem from something like an insect, but is more of a self ...
Striker's user avatar
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Itchy Shins! Footwear or Shin Splints?

Again, Im not quite sure if this is the place to ask this question. However, I am experiencing so discomfort with my shins itching constantly. Im in two minds as to what could be causing it, as I ...
ThunderToes's user avatar