Should we rinse with water after brushing our teeth?
The previous answer does not refer to clinical studies so I thought I would have a look.
TLDR; the clinical studies I've seen suggest not to rinse with water after brushing.
According to Doméjean, ...
Does gargling Hydrogen Peroxide or Listerine help combat cold/flu?
If you feel a cold "coming on" then your body (immune system) is already fighting it.
I was unable to find studies on gargling to prevent respiratory illness.
However the AAFP released guidelines ...
Does gargling Hydrogen Peroxide or Listerine help combat cold/flu?
I don't think gargling could prevent sickness. Flu and cold are caused by viruses and they usually enter from the nostril. That is one of the reason why facial mask cover the nose as well. Regular ...
Should we rinse with water after brushing our teeth?
Not rinsing after tooth brushing may somewhat increase the effectiveness of fluoridated toothpaste, but the evidence is inconsistent and the effect can vary greatly among individuals.
One ...
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