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7 votes

Should we rinse with water after brushing our teeth?

The previous answer does not refer to clinical studies so I thought I would have a look. TLDR; the clinical studies I've seen suggest not to rinse with water after brushing. According to Doméjean, ...
Chris Rogers's user avatar
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4 votes

Fluoride poisoning by toothpaste

TL;DR: Unless you brush your teeth multiple times an hour and swallow the toothpaste, you likely won't ingest a significant enough quantity of fluoride to cause any issues. Per the label for Sodium ...
1miguelcortes's user avatar
4 votes

Which criteria should one look at when purchasing an electric toothbrush?

Refer to the [Cochrane Systematic review] about this issue, available at [1]
sue's user avatar
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Is there by any way to 'remotely' brush teeth

The short answer is NO The long answer is: If time is of concern, ask your oral health professional whether an electric toothbrush can improve your cleaning enough so that 2 minutes of brushing are ...
enap_mwf's user avatar
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2 votes

Are electrical toothbrushes harmful for gingiva?

All toothbrushes can damage your gums. It all depends on the length of time and pressure applied whilst brushing. The recommended brushing time is 2 minutes and there is a recommendation that you ...
Chris Rogers's user avatar
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When using a Philips Sonicare toothbrush with pressure sensor, is it possible to cause gum damage when pushing too hard?

Q: When using a Philips Sonicare toothbrush with pressure sensor, is it possible to cause gum damage when pushing too hard? Yes, absolutely. That is the reason for the pressure sensor. It warns the ...
LаngLаngС's user avatar
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2 votes

Should we rinse with water after brushing our teeth?

Summary: Not rinsing after tooth brushing may somewhat increase the effectiveness of fluoridated toothpaste, but the evidence is inconsistent and the effect can vary greatly among individuals. One ...
Jan's user avatar
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