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7 votes

Should we rinse with water after brushing our teeth?

The previous answer does not refer to clinical studies so I thought I would have a look. TLDR; the clinical studies I've seen suggest not to rinse with water after brushing. According to Doméjean, ...
Chris Rogers's user avatar
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3 votes

Will swishing water in your mouth after meals widen teeth gaps?

Short answer: No. Using water, mouth rince, floss, toothpics or other means of removing debris between teeth should not cause dental movement. Long answer: To cause dental movement, a continuous ...
enap_mwf's user avatar
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How do whitening mouthwashes work?

Hydrogen peroxide is an oxidizing bleach. It reacts chemically with the types of molecules that contribute to color. So, it doesn't really remove stains, nor does it coat anything, but it does make ...
Bryan Krause's user avatar
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2 votes

Is it bad to swallow the toothpaste after brushing?

I have never cleaned my teeth in bed or in space but both have a common problem - where to spit? Chris Hadfield made a video while on the ISS and said "swallow":
Ken Mercer's user avatar
2 votes

Should we rinse with water after brushing our teeth?

Summary: Not rinsing after tooth brushing may somewhat increase the effectiveness of fluoridated toothpaste, but the evidence is inconsistent and the effect can vary greatly among individuals. One ...
Jan's user avatar
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