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Questions tagged [sugar]

Can refer to: cane sugar, sucrose, dextrose, fructose, or another kind of sweetener. Generally a sweet crystalline substance obtained from various plants, used as sweetener in food and drink.

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5 votes
2 answers

Are all sugars detrimental to health when consumed in the quantity of common processed foods?

Are fructose, glucose, and high fructose corn syrhop all damaging to health if consumed in portions common to processed foods? I hope for some clarification on what types of sugars are not found in ...
201044's user avatar
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How do you estimate glucose and sucrose levels of a food product?

Is it possible to estimate approximately what the percentage of glucose and the percentage of sucrose is in a food product, simply by looking at the ingredients and nutritional information?
Tom's user avatar
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Does free sugar intake before meals cause more adverse effects than after them?

The WHO gives sugar intake recommendations in terms of percentage of energy intake. That, combined with some popular wisdom makes the think that it isn't the same if I eat, say a chocolate bar, before ...
calofr's user avatar
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Why do non-sugary cereals contain twice the iron of sugary cereals?

I've noticed a pattern that sugary and non-sugary cereals are typically enriched with the same levels of every vitamin EXCEPT iron, which is typically twice as high in the non-sugary cereals. Here ...
Jonathan Ray's user avatar
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Do sugar alcohols cause cancer according to the latest research?

According to this Upstate article, recent research has shown that there is a link between ingredients in sweeteners (sugar alcohols) and liver cancer. One of the coauthors has made several strong ...
BGa's user avatar
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Typical CGM readings

Can any one tell me if there is any CGM data available where it is shown how much sugar level rises immediately after eating certain food items for example an apple? Thanks.
user3005720's user avatar
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Sugar stops toothache

My brother currently has two serious toothaches. (Yes, he's scheduled for the dentist.) He noticed, though, that eating bread makes the pain stop. Later, he noticed that sugar works much better. ...
Erhannis's user avatar
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The most confusing concepts in weight loss

Here are some of the subjects that I found so confusing : Try to eat good Carbs/Sugar not the bad ones (simple / complex ): Checked internet and from what I understood that they are quite similar ...
Marwen Trabelsi's user avatar
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Does High Fructose Corn Syrup show up in the sugar value on Nutrition Facts?

I noticed some sodas have a sugar value of say 35g. Then under sweeteners they list Sugar and High Fructose Corn Syrup. Is the HFCS part of that 35g or is that 35g of actual sugar and then an ...
leigero's user avatar
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Fructose from the Seminal Vesicles

I have been contemplating how chronic gut-originating infestations such as Candida overgrowth and Small Intestinal Bacteria Overgrowth (SIBO) link to symptoms in the male reproductive system, i.e., ...
user4894's user avatar