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Why liver damage from Isoniazid (medicine of TB) is more in Africans? What is it that make Caucasians more immune?

In this article it has been mentioned twice that Africans are more prone to liver damage by Isoniazid: Other risk factors are preexisting liver disease (hepatitis B or C), concurrent use of rifampin ...
ConGovDeIn's user avatar
27 votes
7 answers

Why do doctors ask for your race?

Things like gender and age and height and weight make perfect sense to me, but I don't really see why most doctors ask for your race. Is there a medical reason behind this or is it just for ...
TheRealTengri's user avatar
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2 answers

Are there vaccines which have a varying effect on people of different ethnicities?

As per the New York Times: Moderna’s problem seemed fitting for late summer 2020, when the United States was reeling from not just a pandemic but unrest over racial injustice. Dr. Slaoui informed Mr. ...
JonathanReez's user avatar
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Race and bone marrow donor search

I've heard the argument that race is not a real scientific entity several times. Despite what on the surface look like very different traits, humans share significantly more DNA with each other than ...
user27343's user avatar
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Importance of ethnicity for organ donor

I always wondered if the race had an influence on the chance of finding a matching organ donor. For example, do Asian people have a better chance of finding a matching organ from searching only in ...
Chris Gao's user avatar
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What is the total prevalence percentage for pre-diabetics and diabetics for black race in the US?

What is the total prevalence percentage for pre-diabetics and diabetics for black race in the US? I had a black friend who worry about this, i want to comfort him by saying that this number is not ...
Victor's user avatar
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