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Questions tagged [gynecomastia-man-boobs]

Gynecomastia is enlargement of the gland tissue of the male breast, or otherwise true glandular breast development in a male. Gynecomastia must be distinguished from pseudogynecomastia or lipomastia, which refers to the presence of fat deposits in the breast area of obese men. If talking about pseudogynaecomastia or lipomastia, the relavant tag needs to be used.

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Contradictory info about beets and hormone balance

Searching online for "beets testosterone" there are sources that state that beets boost testosterone levels. e.g. The vitamin and antioxidant content of beetroot is high. It is also rich in ...
smith's user avatar
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Will drinking too much beetroot juice cause gynecomastia?

Searching online for "beets testosterone" there are sources that state that beets boost testosterone levels. e.g. The vitamin and antioxidant content of beetroot is high. It is also rich in ...
Alexandra's user avatar
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What is the mechanism of action of tamoxifen and other SERMs on Gynecomastia?

I understand that several scientific articles show that tamoxifen and other SERMS such as clomifene and raloxifen are effective in reducing gynecomastia for humans in different age groups and ...
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What are the most significant breast tissues in Gynecomastia?

From prior research I understand that only these types of tissues can cause gynecomastia: Adipose tissue ("watery") Mammary Gland Tissue ("viscous") Excessive skin tissue ("saggy") Connective Tissue ...
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Do Tamoxifen and other similar SERMs reduce chest fat chronically or permanently?

I am sorry if it mistaken (please comment or suggest an edit to fix) but by chronically I mean as long as the molecule is administered and effective and by permanently I mean after the molecule was ...
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Effect of turmeric/curcumin to block estrogen and hence reduce gynecomastia

If we search the internet, we see plenty of articles,, (Video)
Mathmath's user avatar
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Can gynecomastia breast tissues be dissolved?

If one takes zinc and vitamin D then the T levels increase. So oestrogen must decrease and thus gynecomastia goes away. But this site says that the breast tissues can never be dissolved even if the ...
tryingtobeastoic's user avatar
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What are the best natural foods to help reduce gynechomastia?

The internet has contradictory information on this topic. Some say soy is good, some say it is not. What are the recommended foods to help reduce gynechomastia in men (men boobs)?
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