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Questions tagged [shave-shaving]

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How can post-shaving pimples be prevented? [closed]

It is common to get scattered pimples after shaving one's face with a razor. How can it be prevented? There are after-shaves - some with alcohol, others without - as well as lotions and gels. Do ...
Dimitrios's user avatar
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2 answers

Does shaving causes the hair to grow faster?

I'm 16 years old and I was always told that I should shave my beard, that it will cause it to grow faster. Is this true and is there any scientific evidence proving its true? Does it have any side-...
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Why my mustache edges becomes poke after shaving my beard?

I shave my beard with the help of body soap (I wont use shaving cream) & I won't shave my mustache, but the left & right side of mustache becomes very pointy after I finish shaving. So I ...
Mitsue Hyland's user avatar
4 votes
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Does cooling the skin reduce irritation from shaving?

Increasing age has increased the sensitivity of my grandfather's skin; so he asked me to pose the question entitled above, after seeing electronic shavers that cool the skin and questioning whether ...
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