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Questions tagged [cortisol]

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5 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Eczema and steroids: why do endogenous cortisol and exogenous cortisone/prednisone differ?

Topical steroids are a mainstay treatment for eczema, and severe episodes are sometimes treated with oral steroids. Meanwhile stress is a known trigger for exacerbating eczema. During physiological ...
Vlad's user avatar
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Harmful to eat meat from livestock/animals with high levels of cortisol (stress) hormone?

Is it harmful for humans to eat meat from livestock/animals with high levels of stress hormones? Or does it just change the quality and taste of the meat (and not necessarily harmful for human ...
Butterfly and Bones's user avatar
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Which long-term effects can hypocortisolism have on behavior?

Chronic stress can have a serious impact on our physical as well as psychological health due to sustained high levels of the chemicals released in the ‘fight or flight’ response. I've studied the ...
Fil's user avatar
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How can Cortisol be administered in gaseous form?

How can Cortisol be administered in gaseous form (inhalation)? What carrier gas would be adequate? CO, CO2, NO (Nitric Oxide)?
Dehbop's user avatar
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What is the effect of stress on inflammation

People are advised to practice mindfulness meditation / breathing techniques for stress reduction which is considered to indirectly help with chronic inflammatory diseases also such as allergies, ...
Dhiraj Madan's user avatar