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Questions tagged [livestock]

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4 votes
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What type of liver is richest in Vitamin D?

My test reports show that my Vitamin D - 25H (Hydroxyvitamin D) is 6.16 ng/ml whereas the normal range is 30 - 100 ng/ml. So, I read a few articles (e.g. medicinenet, on the internet ...
user3382203's user avatar
3 votes
0 answers

Harmful to eat meat from livestock/animals with high levels of cortisol (stress) hormone?

Is it harmful for humans to eat meat from livestock/animals with high levels of stress hormones? Or does it just change the quality and taste of the meat (and not necessarily harmful for human ...
Butterfly and Bones's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Are arsenic levels in poultry a health concern?

(While eating some turkey) I recently found out that poultry farmers routinely use a powerful, arsenic-based antibiotic called "Roxarsone" to treat their livestock. Obviously, injecting arsenic into ...
Tyler Durden's user avatar