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Questions tagged [livestock]

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Are arsenic levels in poultry a health concern?

(While eating some turkey) I recently found out that poultry farmers routinely use a powerful, arsenic-based antibiotic called "Roxarsone" to treat their livestock. Obviously, injecting arsenic into ...
4 votes
1 answer

What type of liver is richest in Vitamin D?

My test reports show that my Vitamin D - 25H (Hydroxyvitamin D) is 6.16 ng/ml whereas the normal range is 30 - 100 ng/ml. So, I read a few articles (e.g. medicinenet, on the internet ...
3 votes
0 answers

Harmful to eat meat from livestock/animals with high levels of cortisol (stress) hormone?

Is it harmful for humans to eat meat from livestock/animals with high levels of stress hormones? Or does it just change the quality and taste of the meat (and not necessarily harmful for human ...