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Questions tagged [artificial]

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Why can't we just replace cancerous organs with artificial organs, before the cancer spreads? [closed]

This is coming from someone who has no idea what he's talking about (me), but I was thinking about the concept of artificial organs. I thought that, if it were possible to recreate organs artificially ...
MDerbyshire's user avatar
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Is it harmful to write on yourself with pen ink?

If so, what are the chemicals present that make it toxic? I imagine it depends on the pen. Specifically, I'm asking about bic pens and sharpies, but I'm curious in general.
Tom Titanium Lento's user avatar
3 votes
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Are artificial dyes harmful to children?

I've seen many claims online regarding artificial dyes causing problems such as ADD/ADHD in children, such as this one from Kraft recently removed artificial colors from their ...
Nate Barbettini's user avatar
13 votes
3 answers

How do artificial sweeteners affect weight loss?

One common suggestion when trying to lose weight is to switch from sugary sodas and juices to zero-calorie drinks, such as water and diet soda. Do the artificial sweeteners in diet products affect ...
Zaralynda's user avatar
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17 votes
2 answers

Side effects of genetically modified food products

We are genetically modifying crops to change the way they look, to produce more out of less, or to make them resistant to certain diseases; they are subsequently being consumed by humans and animals. ...
Akshay Vasu's user avatar
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