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Questions tagged [dyes]

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What are "sunset additives"?

In relation to stories such as this one, with the (probably sensationalized?) headline of "Nigerians boycott Coca-Cola drinks after court rules them 'poisonous'": Consumers of Sprite and Fanta have ...
aroth's user avatar
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Is there a name for an irrational fear of food additives, food colouring, preservatives, etc?

I am looking for the official name for people who worry constantly about what is in their food. Consequently, who constantly change their diet because of perceived possible future health issues. The ...
Maarten van Leunen's user avatar
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What are we putting on our faces!?! Why don't we have an agency like the FDA approving/monitoring the safety of cosmetics?

"FDA does not approve cosmetics, although we do approve color additives used in cosmetics. It is the responsibility of cosmetic manufacturers to ensure, before marketing their products, that the ...
Pills N Pillows's user avatar
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How does nuclear/radiation dye improve the quality of my bones' medical-imagery? What is the purpose of a bone scan?

Yesterday, I thought I had went to the hospital for a CT-scan, but apparently my appointment was for a bone-scan (ordered by my orthopedic surgeon, who focuses on ankles). I was redirected to the ...
Butterfly and Bones's user avatar
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Hair graying due to water change

Recently I moved from India to Riyadh, because the change in water my hair started becoming gray. Is there any remedy for graying hair due to water change?. P.S: my age is 26 and am sure that this ...
w͏̢in̡͢g͘̕ed̨p̢͟a͞n͏͏t̡͜͝he̸r̴'s user avatar
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Are artificial dyes harmful to children?

I've seen many claims online regarding artificial dyes causing problems such as ADD/ADHD in children, such as this one from Kraft recently removed artificial colors from their ...
Nate Barbettini's user avatar