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3 votes

Can some adoptive mothers induce lactation to breastfeed their adoptive infants?

Yes. This article on the Mayo Clinic site suggests combining three approaches: hormones before the baby's arrival, if there is time pumping both before and after the baby's arrival feeding the baby ...
Kate Gregory's user avatar
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If evolution is effective, why do men still have nipples? In extreme situations, can fathers lactate?

Males secrete factors that block the development of female ducts and structures. Once the male embryo produces testosterone, the hormone can influence other sex-specific traits around the body. Men ...
Prince's user avatar
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If evolution is effective, why do men still have nipples? In extreme situations, can fathers lactate?

Evolution tends to select out traits that are harmful (in quite simple terms) AND expressed soon enough to negatively affect reproductive success. Nipples (and breast tissue) on males are extremely ...
mismas's user avatar
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