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7 votes

How is hereditary cancer risk estimated?

There are really two distinct questions here, but they are common. Is cancer heritable? Is cancer (or cancer risk) contagious? tl;dr Most cancer cases are not heritable. Some are. Heritable cases ...
De Novo's user avatar
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Do Tamoxifen and other similar SERMs reduce chest fat chronically or permanently?

A double-blind crossover study of placebo and the antiestrogen tamoxifen in ten men with gynecomastia of diverse etiology showed that: The reduction of breast size was partial and may indicate the ...
CCR's user avatar
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What is the mechanism of action of tamoxifen and other SERMs on Gynecomastia?

According to this review article: Estradiol and, to lesser degree, other estrogens, increase proliferation of breast epithelium and stroma and, consequently, increase the chances of mutation in ...
D.Tan's user avatar
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How is Allred score found in an IHC breast tissue image?

The Allred score is based on an assessment of the percentage/proportion of tumor cells in a histopathologic specimen that stain positively and the intensity of the staining. In 2010, the American ...
Diana Petitti's user avatar
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Name of medicine specialty dealing with lactation

In most of the countries, obstetricians are the physicians specialised in breastfeeding. Sometimes, pediatricians are also involved but they often tend to focus more on the breastfeeded child, leaving ...
M. Arrowsmith's user avatar

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