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Is open air spraying of disinfectant irritating the respiratory system and therefore increasing risk of infection such as COVID-19?

Recent articles and news items showed groups of people (mainly in Asia) spraying whole cities with disinfectant (as shown on a photo below). Apart from questions about the used substances, dose, ...
Bob Ortiz's user avatar
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Is it possible that inhaling copper vapor, in some form, can help in treating a bacterial or viral infection of the lung? [closed]

There are many studies showing the antimicrobial properties of copper. Based on these properties, is it possible that inhaling copper vapor, in some form, can help in treating a bacterial or viral ...
Erel Segal-Halevi's user avatar
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Are there probiotics for upper respiratory tract tissue?

If the lungs can be subject to bacterial infection, why do there not exist beneficial probiotics that live in lung tissue to combat "bad" bacteria proliferation?
paneerlovr's user avatar
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What's the primary body entrance + surface of infection for catching the flu?

I realize there are multiple ways, but if you tallied up all the people who caught the flu or a cold last year, what would be the majority... Entrance for infection: Mouth Nose Eyes Ears Skin Bio ...
Coldblackice's user avatar
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Why are lower respiratory infections so prevalent in undeveloped countries?

As you can see here, lower respiratory infections are a major cause of death in undeveloped and developing countries, especially in central Africa. What are the primary causes of lower respiratory ...
margalo's user avatar
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